
PySwissArmy is a Python utility library designed to make common programming tasks easier.

Primary LanguagePython


PySwissArmy is a Python utility library designed to make common programming tasks easier. The library includes modules for working with data, files, and strings, as well as mathematical and statistical calculations. It also includes modules for working with CSV files and Pandas dataframes. PySwissArmy is designed to be easy to use, with a simple API and clear documentation. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced Python developer, PySwissArmy can help you save time and simplify your code.


You can install PySwissArmy using pip:

pip install pyswissarmy



Reads the contents of a file and returns it as a string Here's an example usage:

import pyswissarmy
contents = pyswissarmy.read_file('example.txt')

write_file(file_path, contents)

Writes a string to a file Here's an example usage:

import pyswissarmy
pyswissarmy.write_file('output.txt', 'Hello World!')


Parses a JSON string and returns a Python object Here's an example usage:

json_string = '{"name": "John", "age": 30, "city": "New York"}'
data = pyswissarmy.parse_json(json_string)


Serializes a Python object to a JSON string Here's an example usage:

data = {"name": "John", "age": 30, "city": "New York"}
json_string = pyswissarmy.serialize_json(data)


Returns the current date and time as a datetime object Here's an example usage:

current_time = pyswissarmy.current_datetime()

class ConfigManager

# Create an instance of ConfigManager with a new config file
config_manager = pyswissarmy.ConfigManager('example_config.json')
    • load_config(self)

Loads the configuration data from the file specified in the config_file_path attribute. Here's an example usage:

pyswissarmy.config_manager.set_config('name', 'John')
    • save_config(self)

Saves the configuration data to the file specified in the config_file_path attribute. Here's an example usage:

    • get_config(self, key, default=None)

Returns the value associated with the given key in the configuration data. If the key does not exist, it returns the default value, which is None by default. Here's an example usage:

name = pyswissarmy.config_manager.get_config('name')

Create a new instance of ConfigManager using an existing config file

existing_config_manager = pyswissarmy.ConfigManager('example_config.json')
    • set_config(self, key, value)

Sets the value associated with the given key in the configuration data and saves the config to the file. Here's an example usage:

name = existing_config_manager.pyswissarmyget_config('name')

class MathUtils

    • average(numbers)

Computes the average of a list of numbers Here's an example usage:

numbers = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
average = pyswissarmy.MathUtils.average(numbers)
    • median(numbers)

Computes the median of a list of numbers Here's an example usage:

numbers = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3]
median = pyswissarmy.MathUtils.median(numbers)
    • factorial(n)

Computes the factorial of a number Here's an example usage:

n = 5
factorial = pyswissarmy.MathUtils.factorial(n)

class StringUtils

    • reverse(string)

Reverses a string Here's an example usage:

string = 'hello'
reversed_string = pyswissarmy.StringUtils.reverse(string)
    • shuffle(string)

Shuffles the characters of a string Here's an example usage:

string = 'hello'
shuffled_string = pyswissarmy.StringUtils.shuffle(string)
    • hash(string, algorithm='sha256')

Computes the hash value of a string using a specified algorithm Here's an example usage:

string = 'password123'
hashed_string = pyswissarmy.StringUtils.hash(string, algorithm='sha256')

class DataUtils

    • flatten(nested_list)

Flattens a nested list into a single list Here's an example usage:

nested_list = [[1, 2], [3, [4, 5]], 6]
flattened_list = pyswissarmy.DataUtils.flatten(nested_list)
    • transpose(matrix)

Transposes a matrix (list of lists) Here's an example usage:

matrix = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
transposed_matrix = pyswissarmy.DataUtils.transpose(matrix)

class CSVUtils

    • read_csv(file_path)

Writes data to a CSV file Here's an example usage:

file_path = 'example.csv'
csv_data = pyswissarmy.CSVUtils.read_csv(file_path)
    • write_csv(file_path, data)

Writes data to a CSV file Here's an example usage:

file_path = 'example.csv'
data = [['Name', 'Age'], ['Alice', 25], ['Bob', 30]]
pyswissarmy.CSVUtils.write_csv(file_path, data)

class PandasUtils

    • read_csv(file_path) Reads data from a CSV file and returns it as a Pandas DataFrame Here's an example usage:
file_path = 'example.csv'
dataframe = pyswissarmy.PandasUtils.read_csv(file_path)
    • write_csv(file_path, data) Writes data to a CSV file from a Pandas DataFrame Here's an example usage:
file_path = 'example.csv'
dataframe = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob'], 'Age': [25, 30]})
pyswissarmy.PandasUtils.write_csv(file_path, dataframe)


PySwissArmy is licensed under the MIT License. You can find a copy of the license in the LICENSE file. By contributing to PySwissArmy, you agree to license your contributions under the terms of the MIT License.