
This Discord bot uses SadConsole to render colored messages

Primary LanguageC#


This Discord bot uses SadConsole to render colored messages


  • /sendf <format> Sends color-formatted message
  • /sendc <color> <text> Sends simple-colored message
  • /sendr <text> Sends rainbow-colored message

Color Syntax

Color syntax is provided by SadConsole.

  • [c:r f:<color>] Set foreground color
  • [c:r b:<color>] Set background color
  • [c:m Horizontal] Set horizontal mirror
  • [c:m Vertical] Set vertical mirror


Preliminary Discord Set Up

  1. Discord account ()
  2. Adminstration privileges to a Discord Server

Add Discord Bot

  1. Click Link: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=932341657003782155&permissions=103079218176&scope=bot%20applications.commands
  2. Select the server where you have admin privileges and add the bot.

Away you go.