
Show opening hours of restaurant.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Opening hours

Shows opening hours of hypothetical restaurant from data.json file which has format: "weekday" : [ { "type" : "open", "value" : 36000 }, { "type" : "close", "value" : 64800 } ], Time is given in seconds which then converted to hours in AM/PM format.

If array of time is empty then a restaurant is closed. Restaurant might be open in one day and closed in next day, for example restaurant is open on Friday at 10AM and closes on Saturday 1AM ,in this case opening hours are displayed as Friday 10AM-1AM.


Demo available here: https://opening-hours-m7uhz5x1c.now.sh/

Run locally

Clone repo and run: npm i and then npm start to run development server locally.

Further improvement

One might fetch hours from endpoint instead of using static data.