Master of Computer vision and Robotics
Visual Servoing Project
Supervisors: Omar TAHRI
Pranavan Ramakrishnan
Cheng CHEN
The purpose of this project is to make turtlebot3 realize the following two functions:
- Automatic tracking: make the robot track and follow a yellow line by the camera information
- Automatic parking: detect and understand parking sign and park automatically in the right position
Our map choices:
- Turtlebot3_autorace_2020
Following line
To launch the map and bringup turtlebot
roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_autorace.launch
To launch the calibration
roslaunch t3_camera t3_intrinsic_camera_calibration.launch roslaunch t3_camera t3_extrinsic_camera_calibration.launch
To launch the follow the line
roslaunch t3_follow_line t3_lane_detects.launch roslaunch t3_follow_line t3_lane_controls.launch
Demonstration of Following line:
Please click this link to download the full video
**Parking Detection and Park** - To launch the map and bringup turtlebot
roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_autorace.launch
To launch the calibration
roslaunch t3_camera t3_intrinsic_camera_calibration.launch roslaunch t3_camera t3_extrinsic_camera_calibration.launch
To launch the parking detection
roslaunch t3_parking_sign_detect t3_detect_sign.launch roslaunch t3_parking_sign_detect t3_detect_parking.launch roslaunch t3_parking_sign_detect t3_control_parking.launch
Demonstration of Parking Detection and Park:
The parking sign detected
Please click this link to download the full videoThe turtlebot park at the parking
Please click this link to download the full video