
Collection of some quick side projects

Primary LanguageCDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


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Collection of some quick side projects

TopographyLearner: App for learning the capitals in relation with the countries of Asia (~1:30h)

NimBF: Brainfuck interpreter written in Nim as I wanted to try out Nim (~2:30h)

ProgrammingLanguagesSpeedComparison: Speed comparison of c, c# and Nim (~2:30h)

c#+c_test: A test for combining c and c# code, to get stuff done quick (c) and still have other things easy (c#) (~0:30h)

Manelbrot: A mandelbrot set calculator (~4:30h)

HappyHalloween!: A program that, if run long enough, prints "Happy Halloween" (~0:30h)

RustTest: A quick test for Rust (I don't really like it) (~0:45h)

Inverse3n+1: A small test for Haskell, calculating the amount of numbers n steps away from reaching 1 using the 3n+1 algorythm (I like Haskell) (~1:00h)

Goldenratio-Calc: Program calculating the golden ratio via subsituting x = 1 + (1 / x) a bunch o times (~0:15h)

CirclePartCalculator: For a small private project of a friend (~0:45h)

MergeSort: Multithreaded merge sort written in c (~1:00h)