
IOKI component seed is ready to use environment for developers who want to release their own packages for bower package manager. It has built in Grunt tasks for easier development and releasing the package.

Be sure to use:

  • npm install
  • bower install

Before you start.

Setup a project

Simply type to your terminal grunt


Built in features, mostly already configured grunt tasks:

  • Livereload on server
  • JSHint
  • Compass
  • Concatenation of files
  • Uglify
  • ngAnnotate
  • ngtemplates

Directories structure

Here is short description of where you should keep your files.

    demo/                        // directory for development
        css/                     // you can treat it as user's environment
        js/                      // it could be kind of demo how to use
        template/                // your component
    src/                         // source of your component


To configure your component you need to rename a few files and some occurrences in the code.

You should simply refactor all files and change name of your component by replacing


to for example:

treeview / keyboard-manager etc...

Please configure also package.json and add proper description for your component.

Release - preparation

If you want to prepare a package for release it's good to use one of built in grunt tasks.

Use: grunt release

The output of this operation are four files in main directory:

  • ioki-nameOfComponent.css
  • ioki-nameOfComponent.min.css
  • ioki-nameOfComponent.js
  • ioki-nameOfComponent.min.js

They are well prepared for releasing.


There are some steps you need to do:

  1. Please look at files:
  • bower.json
  • package.json

and make sure you increase version of your component.

  1. Be sure you run grunt release task.

  2. Commit your changes to github with some neat description e.g. "Release 0.1.2 Name of version or crucial changes".

  3. Tag your repositorium with proper version e.g.

    git tag -a v0.1.2 -m "Release version 0.1.2"

  4. Push your tag to the repositorium

    git push origin v0.1.2

Using component

Provide docs how to use your component but for sure users need to have something like this in their bower.json files:

"ioki-YOUR_COMPONENT": "git://"


It would be nice to provide some documentation and examples for other developers who want to use your component.

This section will be updated in near future with some standards.