
Iota or Shimmer Wallet Library focusing on Stardust. For C# CSharp .NET implementation of wallet.rs using rust bindings and P/Invoke

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Continuous Integration Deploy to Github NuGet Deploy to NuGet.org

Introduction 😄

This wallet leverages IOTA's official wallet.rs bindings and ports it over to .Net.

Now .Net developers can have a chance trying out IOTA/Shimmer as well!

Installation from Nuget.org

[!] Note the following two packages must be installed explicitly, do not skip it. !!! 😡

dotnet add package IotaWallet.Net.Domain --prerelease

Or download from here.

dotnet add package IotaWallet.Net --prerelease

Or download from here.

Architecture support 😁

It currently supports Windows x64 and Linux x86_64.

Additional Instructions for Linux 😮

After installing IotaWallet.Net.Domain, when you build using dotnet build, you would see a file libiota_wallet.so. This is the precompiled rust bindings. You need to add it to your lib path.



Note that its the folder path, not the filepath.

Alternative Installation 💫

You can download the nugets from the github repo itself. Look to your right under Packages.

Usage Example 🏃

Setting up your wallet and sending a command

static async Task Main(string[] args)
    	//Register all of the dependencies into a collection of services
	IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection().AddIotaWalletServices();

	//Install services to service provider which is used for dependency injection
	IServiceProvider serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();

	//Use serviceprovider to create a scope, which safely disposes of all services at end of scope
	using (IServiceScope scope = serviceProvider.CreateScope())
		//Request IWallet service from service provider
		IWallet wallet = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IWallet>();

		//Build wallet using a fluent-style configuration api
		wallet = wallet

		//Let's generate a Mnemonic
		GetNewMnemonicResponse getNewMnemonicResponse = await wallet.GetNewMnemonicAsync();
		Console.WriteLine($"GetNewMnemonicAsync: {getNewMnemonicResponse}");
		string newMnemonic = getNewMnemonicResponse.Payload;
		//Store into stronghold
		//Remember, Generation and storage of mnemonic only is needed to do done the first time!
		StoreMnemonicResponse storeMnemonicResponse = await wallet.StoreMnemonicAsync(newMnemonic);
		Console.WriteLine($"StoreMnemonicAsync: {storeMnemonicResponse}");

		//Let's create an accounts, with username "cookiemonster"
		(CreateAccountResponse createAccountResponse, IAccount? account) = await wallet.CreateAccountAsync("cookiemonster");
		Console.WriteLine($"CreateAccountAsync: {createAccountResponse}");

		if (account == null)
			Console.WriteLine("There was a problem creating the account.");
		//Lets generate 1 new address!
		GenerateAddressesResponse generateAddressesResponse = await account.GenerateAddressesAsync(numberOfAddresses: 1, NetworkType.Testnet);
		Console.WriteLine($"GenerateAddressesAsync: {generateAddressesResponse}");
		string? generatedAddress = generateAddressesResponse.Payload?.FirstOrDefault()?.Address;
		//Let's request some Shimmer from the faucet
		await account.RequestFromFaucetAsync(generatedAddress);
		//Let's Checkout our balance. We will sync the account, followed by checking the balance.
		//Sync the account with the tangle
		await account.SyncAccountAsync();
		//Retrieve balance
		GetBalanceResponse getBalanceResponse = await account.GetBalanceAsync();
		Console.WriteLine($"GetBalanceAsync: {getBalanceResponse}");
		//Great, now that we have some test shimmer tokens to send, send to me!
		//Let's send 1 shimmer, which is 1,000,000 Glow, followed by 2 shimmer, which is 2000000 glow, via a single transaction
                //The below creates 2 outputs to the receiver address and 1 more output for your balance.

                string receiverAddress = "rms1qp8rknypruss89dkqnnuedm87y7xmnmdj2tk3rrpcy3sw3ev52q0vzl42tr";

                SendAmountResponse sendAmountResponse = await account.SendAmountUsingBuilder()
                                                                        .AddAddressAndAmount(receiverAddress, 1000000)
                                                                        .AddAddressAndAmount(receiverAddress, 2000000)

                Console.WriteLine($"SendAmountAsync: {sendAmountResponse}");

Examples 😍

For more examples, see the Examples directory.

Supported Commands/Queries 📑



  • CreateAccount
  • StoreMnemonic
  • VerifyMnemonic


  • GetAccount
  • GetAccounts
  • GetNewMnemonic



  • BuildBasicOutput
  • BuildNftOutput
  • BurnNativeTokens
  • BurnNft
  • ClaimOutputs
  • ConsolidateOutputs
  • CreateAliasOutput
  • DestroyFoundry
  • EnablePeriodicSyncing
  • GenerateAddresses
  • MeltNativeTokens
  • MintNativeTokens
  • MintNfts
  • RequestFromFaucet
  • SendAmount
  • SendMicroAmount
  • SendNativeTokens
  • SendNfts
  • SendOutputs
  • SyncAccount


  • GetAddresses
  • GetAddressesWithUnspentOutputs
  • GetBalance
  • GetFoundryOutput
  • GetMinimumStorageDepositRequired
  • GetOutputs
  • GetPendingTransactions
  • GetTransaction
  • GetTransactions
  • GetUnspentOutputs