IOb-cache is a high-performance, configurable open-source Verilog cache. If you use or like this repository, please cite the following article:
Roque, J.V.; Lopes, J.D.; VĂ©stias, M.P.; de Sousa, J.T. IOb-Cache: A High-Performance Configurable Open-Source Cache. Algorithms 2021, 14, 218.
IOb-cache supports pipeline architectures, allowing one request per clock cycle (read and write). IOb-cache has both Native (pipelined) and AXI4 back-end interfaces. The Write Policy is configurable: either write-through/not-allocate or write-back/allocate. The configuration supports the number of ways, address width, cache's word size (front-end data width), the memory's word size (back-end data width), the number of lines and words per line, replacement policy (if set associative), and cache-control module (allows performance measurement, cache invalidation, and write-through buffer status).
This repository provides design files only. For running simulation and FPGA tests, IOb-Cache must be run inside IOb-SoC, where helpful information to set up your environment is provided.
After cloning IOb-SoC from its root directory, go to the IOb-Cache submodule:
cd submodules/CACHE
Edit the file and update it according to your needs. The syntax of this file is almost self-explanatory; unfortunately, its documentation is under development.
Edit the Makefile file to set the back-end interface type (BE_IF) and width (BE_DATA_W) according to your needs at compile time. These variables can also be passed at the command line. You can also change the SIMULATOR variable used to select a specific simulator or the DOC variable used to choose a document type to generate.
To simulate, run:
make sim-run [SIMULATOR=icarus!verilator|xcelium|vcs|questa] [BE_IF=AXI4|IOb] [BE_DATA_W=32|64|128|256|etc]
To build for simulation only, run:
make sim-build [SIMULATOR=icarus!verilator|xcelium|vcs|questa] [BE_IF=AXI4|IOb] [BE_DATA_W=32|64|128|256|etc]
To execute a simple test suite by simulation, run
make sim-test [SIMULATOR=icarus!verilator|xcelium|vcs|questa] [BE_IF=AXI4|IOb] [BE_DATA_W=32|64|128|256|etc]
Two document types are generated: the Product Brief, referred to as pb, and the User Guide, referred to as ug.
To build a given document type DOC, run
make doc-build [DOC=pb|ug]
To clean the build directory, run
make clean