
Integração entre API Mautic OAuth1a e Opencart V1.5x

Primary LanguagePHP



  • PHP 5.6 or newer
  • Composer
  • OpenCart V1.5x
  • Vqmod V2.6x

Mautic Setup

The API must be enabled in Mautic. Within Mautic, go to the Configuration page (located in the Settings menu) and under API Settings enable Mautic's API. If you intend on using Basic Authentication, ensure you enable it. Go to the API Credentials page (located in the Settings menu) and create a new client. Enter the callback/redirect URI that the request will be sent from. Click Apply then copy the Client ID and Client Secret to the application that will be using the API.


Note: Obtaining an access token The first step is to get authorization. This version supports OAuth 1.0a.

Step 01

Copy all files to the project folder where opencart is installed and then include the following code in config.php and admin/config.php:

define('DIR_COMPOSER', 'Path_To_Composer_Folder/lib_ext/');

Step 02

Access the admin panel and go to Extensions and install the module "API Mautic Leads" then click on EDIT fill in the required fields based on the information generated by Mautic and save.

Then the application will request token authentication in Mautic, inform the user and password of Mautic. After this all registered leads will be sent to Mautic containing the following markings:

Name, Last Name, E-mail, and the FromApi label plus you already earn 1 point to work Lead Scoring.

Mautic Documentation

Go to Documentation.