The ultimate virtual economy service provider for Minecraft servers and proxies.
It's reliable, robust, powerful, performant, featureful, and libre.
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Pre-Alpha Notice
Polyconomy is currently in very early development. It is not usable in its current state. Most of the links in this file are non-functional.
You are highly encouraged to discuss and partake in Polyconomy's development: join the ArcanePlugins Discord guild. In the readme
text channel, select the role which grants you access to development channels.
What is Polyconomy's purpose?
Polyconomy is an economy service provider plugin, meaning that it controls the core component of your Minecraft server/proxy's virtual economy. Polyconomy's primary job is to provide the economy service with mostly 'back-end' features such as managing accounts, balances, currencies, and other things which are core to your economy. The only user-facing features are basic commands such as /pay
, /bal
, and /baltop
. The rest of the features you would expect in your virtual economy are handled by other plugins, such as jobs and shops, which give instructions to Polyconomy such as 'give Notch 35.50 dollars'.
To understand Polyconomy's role, you could separate your virtual economy into three parts:
- Economy Service Providers (Polyconomy, etc)
- ...providing the backbone of the economy, managing all of its data. In most cases, only one Provider is present.
- Economy Service APIs (Treasury, Vault, etc)
- ...providing the interface between Providers and Consumers, like a special common language for plugins to talk to each other. In most cases, only one API is present.
- Economy Service Consumers (jobs, shops, etc)
- ...providing ways to interact with the economy - earning and spending money. In most cases, multiple Consumers are present.
All three of these components are required for a complete virtual economy.
There are already economy service provider plugins - so why another?
Polyconomy was founded simply due to the previous lack of economy service provider plugins which fit the community's demands.
Polyconomy sports full Treasury and Vault API support, meaning that almost every single plugin which uses those APIs are able to talk to Polyconomy with no problem. Although we recommend you use Treasury, Polyconomy is one of the few plugins which supports Vault's bank feature, and is able to translate deprecated Vault API calls for player and non-player contexts, making Polyconomy compatible with plugins such as TownyAdvanced and GriefDefender. Native multi-currency support is one of the features unlocked by using Treasury, allowing you to centralise all of your virtual economies under a single roof without using additional economy plugins.
When dealing with any economy, virtual or not, it's imperative that it is managed reliably. Other economy plugins may fail during the course of a production server and cause great damage to their communities. To achieve Polyconomy's reliability, it has been developed since day one with robustness being paramount. Only features which the plugin strictly need are added; auxilary features are refused as to not damage the strong integrity of the software. We carefully design and implement every feature so it fits in the plugin like a puzzle. Every piece fits in and accomplishes a goal which is desired by a substantial amount of the plugin's users. In addition to optimisation efforts, our scrutiny for the plugin's features make it as light as a feather to run on your servers and proxies.
Polyconomy is fully compatible and supported with a variety of server and proxy platforms. Even Minestom!
You'll feel 'at home' with familiar commands like /bal
, /pay
, /baltop
, /eco
, and so on. You and your players won't have to learn unnecessarily renamed commands. And where you are confused about anything, there's excellent documentation and volunteer support helpers on our Discord guild who are happy to help.
Polyconomy is libre software, licensed under GNU AGPL v3, which serves and protects your freedoms, unlike proprietary software which takes them away. Polyconomy is a community project; you are strongly encouraged to discuss and partake in the development of the plugin - embrace the open-source spirit!
Before you install Polyconomy, make sure your server/proxy is compatible. Then, follow the super simple installation guide. :)
By using the software, you accept the license.