Project report

Project's reporter:

Ivanchuk Pavel

Group number:


Description of application for deployment:

  1. Name of application: Nextcloud
  2. Programming language is this application written in: PHP
  3. Data Base: MariaDB
  4. Git repository: ->Click here <-

Pipeline. High Level Design


Technologies which were used in project

  1. Orchestration: Kubernetes
  2. Automation tools: Github actions, Argo CD
  3. SCM: GitHub
  4. Notification: Slack
  5. Other tools: Docker, Helm

CI description:

GitHub actions workflow starting after pushing to the main branch.

  1. Bump version and push tag: Automatically bump and push tag.
  2. Docker Lint: Verifying Dockerfile. If it detects errors, it reports them and then the process ends.
  3. Build and push image: Build docker image in GitHub.
  4. Generate Chart: Build helm and update appVersion and version in the Chart.yaml and push changes to the master branch.
  5. Helm Lint: Verifying Helm Chart. This action will not start if the Generate Chart fails.If it detects errors, it reports them and then the process ends.
  6. Chart release: updates the Helm index of the repository, adds a new version of the chart, sets Git settings, commits the changes and sends them to the remote GitHub repository
  7. Slack Notification: Send notification to the Slack.

Deployment flows short description:

GitHub pages used as helm diagram artifactory ArgoCD used for deploying aplication We can check status in the ArgoCD web UI

Rollback flow description and implementation:

Rollback from ArgoCD web interface.


Docker official git ->Click here <-