
A Simple OTA web page implemented over ESPAsyncWebServer(by me-no-dev)

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1

ESP Async HTTP Update Server

This is a copy of ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer/ESP32's HTTPUpdateServer library, modified to be compatible with ESPAsyncWebServer.

It will provide a simple webpage for updating the firmware or filesystem of ESP8266 or ESP32 microcontrollers.


  • Supports:
    • ESP8266
    • ESP32
  • Can Update:
    • Firmware
    • FileSystem
  • Update route customization (default: /update)
  • Update credentials customization (default: No credentials)
    • Username
    • Password
  • FileSystem Options:
    • SPIFFS
    • LittleFS



This Library is available in Arduino Library Repository and PIO and you can install it from:

  • Arduino IDE Library Manager

arduino library manager

  • PlatformIO Libraries

pltformio library



  1. Include the library after ESPAsyncWebServer.h
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>
#include <ESPAsyncHTTPUpdateServer.h>
  1. Create an object from ESPAsyncHTTPUpdateServer
ESPAsyncHTTPUpdateServer _updateServer;
AsyncWebServer _server(80);
  1. Setup the update server before starting the webServer

Custom Route

_updateServer.setup(&_server, "/customroute");


_updateServer.setup(&_server, "username", "password");


_updateServer.setup(&_server, "/customroute", "username", "password");

Selecting FileSystem


The library's default fileSystem is SPIFFS but if you are using LittleFS for your FileSystem, make sure to add the -DESPASYNCHTTPUPDATESERVER_LITTLEFS Build Flag to your environment.



In order to debug the library functionality, you can add the -DESPASYNCHTTPUPDATESERVER_DEBUG Build Flag to your environment.

This will enable the library to print logs to the Serial.


If you are using another Serial port, you can override the default serial by adding the -DESPASYNCHTTPUPDATESERVER_SerialOutput=Serial1 Build Flag to your environment.


  • Optional Page Styling


  • You can open Issues for any bug report or feature request.
  • You are free to contribute to this project by following these steps:
    1. Fork this Repo.
    2. Create a new branch for your feature/bugfix in your forked Repo.
    3. Commit your changes to the new branch you just made.
    4. Create a pull request from your branch into the master branch of This Repo(https://github.com/IPdotSetAF/ESPAsyncHTTPUpdateServer).