
Bot to create MISP events from data in Slack

Primary LanguagePython


SAM Bot creates MISP events from data fed to it from Slack in a code snippet.

The following fields are accepted by SAMbot and will be added to the MISP event.

  • type:
  • url: or kit: or creds: (it will also pickup any line with http or hxxp in it)
  • ip:
  • domain:
  • ip-dst:
  • ip-src:
  • from: or source-email: or email-source
  • subject:
  • md5:
  • sha1:
  • sha256:
  • tag:
  • hash|filename:

Accepted fields for type are:

  • phish
  • malware
  • bec/scam
  • dump
  • apt

Tags that are accepted are

  • TLP:white
  • TLP:green
  • TLP:amber
  • TLP:red


type: malware
Url: http://bad.biz/r1/asda.exe
domain: bad.biz
from: phish@avalanche.ru
subject: please transfer now
md5: c4c17055ea16183fbb6133b6e5cfb6f9
sha1: 17a5db6350140685d219f4f69dcc0e669a4f027e
sha256: 6b773f5367c1a6a108537b9ee17c95314158b1de0b5195eabb9a52eaf145b90a
hash|filename: 6b773f5367c1a6a108537b9ee17c95314158b1de0b5195eabb9a52eaf145b90a|asda.exe
tag: tlp:RED

Installation requirements

Must use Python3

Run the following:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Bot Configuration:

  • Add MISP URL and API key to config.json file
  • Add Slack bot token to config.json file
  • Add log name/location to config.json (Optional)

MISP requirements:

Import the machinetag.json file as a new taxonomy

$ cd /var/www/MISP/app/files/taxonomies/
$ mkdir privatetaxonomy
$ cd privatetaxonomy
$ vi machinetag.json
$ paste contents

Taxonomies to be enabled at a minimum:

the bot requires that the following taxonomies are enable to run

  • TLP
  • IR8

If you don't specify a logging config, it'll default to putting logs in './logs/', which is the log volume for docker.

config.json example

       "SLACK_BOT_OAUTH_TOKEN" : "xoxb-332250278039-yQQQom0PPoRz2QufGHlTnwg7",
       "SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET" : "sadfasdfasfasfasdfsadfasdfafasdfasdfasd"
   "misp" : {
       "url" : "https://misp.test.local",
       "key" : "asdfasdfsadfasfsadfsadfsdfdsafasdfasfasfasdfasdfsadf"
   "logging" : {
       "output_file" : "sambot.log",
       "output_error_file": "sambot_error.log"


Set up a slack app, follow instructions in the git repo here: https://github.com/slackapi/python-slack-events-api/tree/main/example

Event Subscriptions

It needs to sub to the following events:

  • message.channels
  • file_created
  • file_shared

Oauth Scopes required

  • users:read
  • links:read
  • files:read