
A curated list of awesome Direct Volume Rendering articles, software and resources

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Awesome Direct Volume Rendering

A curated list of awesome Direct Volume Rendering articles, software and resources.



  • Interpolating and Downsampling RGBA Volume Data (2008), M. Kraus et al. pdf
  • GPU Gems, Chapter 39. Volume Rendering Techniques (2004) web
  • Opacity-Weighted Color Interpolation for Volume Sampling (1998), C. Wittenbrink et al. pdf
  • Optical Models for Direct Volume Rendering (1995), Max et Chen, pdf


Acceleration structures

  • SparseLeap: Efficient Empty Space Skipping for Large-Scale Volume Rendering (2017), M. Hadwiger et al. pdf
  • Accelerating Volume Raycasting using Occlusion Frustums (2008), J. Mensmann et al. pdf
  • Optimizing GPU volume rendering (2006), D. Ruijters et al. pdf

GPU implementation

  • Explicit Cache Management for Volume Ray-Casting on Parallel Architectures (2012), D. Jönsson et al. pdf
  • Advanced Illumination Techniques for GPU-based Volume Raycasting (2009), M. Hadwiger et al. pdf


  • A survey of volumetric illumination techniques for interactive volume rendering (2014), D. Jönsson et al. pdf

Local illumination

  • Real-Time Ambient Occlusion and Halos with Summed Area Tables (2010), Diaz et al. pdf
  • Display of Surfaces from Volume Data (1988), M. Levoy pdf

Full global illumination

  • Correlated Photon Mapping for Interactive Global Illumination of Time-Varying Volumetric Data (2016), D. Jönsson et al. pdf
  • GPU-Based Monte-Carlo Volume Raycasting (2007), R. Salama et al. pdf

Real-time global illumination

  • Anisotropic Ambient Volume Shading (2015), M. Ament et al. pdf
  • Interactive Volumetric Lighting Simulating Scattering and Shadowing (2009), T.Ropinski et al. pdf


  • State of the Art in Transfer Functions for Direct Volume Rendering (2016), P. Ljung et al. pdf



  • A Survey of Perceptually Motivated 3D Visualization of Medical Image Data (2016), B. Preim et al. pdf


  • Real-Time Processing for Advanced Ultrasound Visualization (2016), Schulte zu Berge, Christian Ulrich, Nassir Navab, Nassir Navab, and Bernhard Preim. pdf
  • The ultrasound visualization pipeline (2014), Å. Birkeland et al. pdf
  • Feature Emphasis and Contextual Cutaways for Multimodal Medical Visualization (2007), M. Burns et al. pdf



FOSS Applications

Libraries and SDKs



  • OSIRIX DICOM Image Library web
  • 3Dircadb web


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