
Simple Like & Dislike Plugin for WordPress.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

WPAC Like/Dislike

Simple Like & Dislike Plugin for WordPress. ✌️

This plugin was created during basic course of Plugin Development in Urdu. Later we decided to distribute this code so students can use it and even try to improve it for educational purpose. You can even use it as-is on your WordPress blogs to have a nice & simple like/dislike system.


  1. Click on the Download ZIP button at the right to download the plugin.
  2. Upload the entire wpac-like-system folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.


You can change button labels and other settings by visiting WPAC Settings Tab

WPAC Settings Screen


[WPAC_LIKE_SYSTEM] Display Like & Dislike buttons in post or page.

[WPAC_LIKE_COUNT] Return Like count for current post being viewed.

[WPAC_LIKE_COUNT id="123"] Return Like count for given post ID.

[WPAC_LIKE_COUNT string="Liked % times"] Return Like count wrapped in a string, use % where you want to display count value.


1.0.0 - Started the project