An easy to use encoder and decoder for the NBT format.
NBT compound tags are represented as plain JavaScript objects. The Byte
, Short
and Float
number types are wrapped in custom classes since JavaScript
does not support them directly.
Node 10.4 or higher is required for BigInts, which are used to represent 64 bit integers.
const { encode, decode, Byte, Short, Int, Float } = require("nbt-ts");
const buffer = encode("root", {
byte: new Byte(-1),
short: new Short(65535),
int: new Int(-2147483648),
long: 0x7fffffffffffffffn,
float: new Float(0.75),
double: 0.1 + 0.2,
string: "Hello world",
list: ["item 1", "item 2"],
compound: {
byteArray: Buffer.from([0x80, 0x40, 0x20]),
// Int8Array does work here too
intArray: new Int32Array([1, 2, 3, 4]),
longArray: new BigInt64Array([1n, 2n, 3n, 4n]),
decode(Buffer.from("02000973686F7274546573747FFF", "hex"));
// → { name: 'shortTest', value: Short { value: 32767 }, length: 14 }
// Encode unnamed tag
encode(null, "a");
// → <Buffer 08 00 01 61>
// Decode unnamed tag
decode(Buffer.from("08000161", "hex"), { unnamed: true });
// → { name: null, value: 'a', length: 4 }
Note that the encode
function accepts both unsigned numbers such as 255
and signed
numbers like -1
which are essentially the same in the case of a 8 bit integer.
However when decoded, they will always have the signed representation. If you want
to convert a number to the unsigned representation, you might do something like this:
value & 0xff; // for bytes
value & 0xffff; // for shorts
value >>> 0; // for ints
BigInt.asUintN(64, value); // for longs
// or
value & 0xffffffffffffffffn;
The NBT format also has a more user-friendly variant in plain text. This format is referred to as SNBT, short for stringified NBT. Here are all the types represented in SNBT:
byte: 1b, short: 1s, int: 1, long: 1l,
float: 0.5f, double: 0.5,
string: "Hello world",
list: [{}, {}],
compound: {
byteArray: [B; 128, 64, 32],
intArray: [I; 1, 2, 3, 4],
longArray: [L; 1, 2, 3, 4]
Here is an example how you can stringify or parse SNBT:
const { stringify, parse } = require("nbt-ts");
const tag = parse(`{'Flying' :1b , unquoted: hello} `);
// → { Flying: Byte { value: 1 }, unquoted: 'hello' }
// → '{Flying:1b,unquoted:"hello"}'
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