
JavaScript framework for object-based audio rendering in modern browsers from IRT

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

bogJS - JS framework for object-based audio rendering in browsers

With the introduction of HTML5 and the Web Audio API, an important prerequisite was made for native rendering of object-based audio in modern browsers. Object-based audio is a revolutionary approach for creating and deploying interactive, personalised, scalable and immersive content, by representing it as a set of individual assets together with metadata describing their relationships and associations. This allows media objects to be assembled in ground-breaking ways to create new user experiences.


See bogJS in action: https://lab.irt.de/demos/object-based-audio/RadioDrama/

Basic usage and sample scene


<script src="dist/bogJS-latest.js"></script>
<!-- Only if you want to use the UI relevant parts: -->
<script src="dist/bogJS-ui-latest.js"></script>

var om;
$(document).on('om_ready', function(){

om = new ObjectManager('path/to/sceneFile.spatdif');
/spatdif/time 0.0
/spatdif/source/Drums/position 0.01 1.24 0
/spatdif/source/Drums/interpolate 0
/spatdif/source/Drums/active 1
/spatdif/source/Drums/track_mapping http://akamai-progressive.irt.de/demos/bogJS/debo/drums
/spatdif/source/Drums/gain 1
/spatdif/source/Drums/interactive 0
/spatdif/source/Bass/position -0.85 2.55 0
/spatdif/source/Bass/interpolate 0
/spatdif/source/Bass/active 1
/spatdif/source/Bass/track_mapping http://akamai-progressive.irt.de/demos/bogJS/debo/bass
/spatdif/source/Bass/gain 1
/spatdif/source/Bass/interactive 0
/spatdif/source/Vocal/position -1.06 0.52 0
/spatdif/source/Vocal/interpolate 0
/spatdif/source/Vocal/active 1
/spatdif/source/Vocal/track_mapping http://akamai-progressive.irt.de/demos/bogJS/debo/vocal
/spatdif/source/Vocal/gain 1
/spatdif/source/Vocal/interactive 0
/spatdif/source/Accordion/position 1.82 1.47 0
/spatdif/source/Accordion/interpolate 0
/spatdif/source/Accordion/active 1
/spatdif/source/Accordion/track_mapping http://akamai-progressive.irt.de/demos/bogJS/debo/accordion
/spatdif/source/Accordion/gain 1
/spatdif/source/Accordion/interactive 0
/spatdif/source/Guitar/position 1.8 2.23 0
/spatdif/source/Guitar/interpolate 0
/spatdif/source/Guitar/active 1
/spatdif/source/Guitar/track_mapping http://akamai-progressive.irt.de/demos/bogJS/debo/guitar
/spatdif/source/Guitar/gain 1
/spatdif/source/Guitar/interactive 0
/spatdif/source/Trumpet/position -1.92 -0.59 0
/spatdif/source/Trumpet/interpolate 0
/spatdif/source/Trumpet/active 1
/spatdif/source/Trumpet/track_mapping http://akamai-progressive.irt.de/demos/bogJS/debo/trumpet
/spatdif/source/Trumpet/gain 1
/spatdif/source/Trumpet/interactive 0


Using the latest version

For your convenience, the dist/ folder contains the latest build files of bogJS.

Building by yourself

You only need npm to build this framework. Once you have npm installed, you must run

npm install

to install the required dependencies.

Now, you can build the project with several commands:

To build and bundle the whole project, run this command in the project folder. This will create another subfolder "dist/" with the files as follows:

npm run build

--> dist/bogJS-latest.js
--> dist/bogJS-latest.js.map
--> dist/bogJS-latest.min.js
--> dist/bogJS-latest.min.js.map
--> dist/bogJS-ui-latest.js
--> dist/bogJS-ui-latest.js.map
--> dist/bogJS-ui-latest.min.js
--> dist/bogJS-ui-latest.min.js.map

To immediately build every change in one of the source files, use this command. The core bundle will then be constantly updated in dist/bogJS-dev.js

npm run watch

--> dist/bogJS-dev.js

To build and bundle a new relese version of the project, use this command. The files will be created under "dist/":

npm run build-release

--> bogJS-vX.X.X.js
--> bogJS-vX.X.X.js.map
--> bogJS-vX.X.X.min.js
--> bogJS-vX.X.X.min.js.map
--> bogJS-ui-vX.X.X.js
--> bogJS-ui-vX.X.X.js.map
--> bogJS-ui-vX.X.X.min.js
--> bogJS-ui-vX.X.X.min.js.map

Note: This command will also add a new Git tag with increased patch number and will also update the package.json file accordingly. To increase the version tag with a minor or even major, execute

npm version minor


npm version major

See also https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/version


To create the documentation, you will need jsdoc3:

jsdoc -c jsdoc.conf

The default folder for the generated documentation is doc/ .

Version Info

With every build process, the version info is included to the bundle and saved as global javascript variables

// --> "Tue Feb 16 2016 21:13:38 GMT+0100 (CET)"

// --> "1448b3e v0.2.8"

Basic concepts

The scene file

All object and scene relevant information is stored and read from a scene file. The format currently used is kind of a OSC string combined with SpatDIF commands.

The SceneReader class can be replaced as long as the ObjectManager class instance retrieves the scene and object info as defined. See the documentation for further info.

For the future, it is planned to implement a JSON representation of the ADM format.

Implemented object descriptors

The following parameters can be currently assigned to the objects:

  • Gain [float]: Values for the gain of the audio signal, connected to the PannerNode. Values must be between 0 and 1.
  • Position [float, cartesian, right-hand]: X, Y and Z values represent the position of the objects. See here for further info regarding the coordinate system.
  • Interactive [boolean]: This parameter is intended to be used if the object shall or shall not offer any interactive usage by the user. Example use case might be the adjustment of speech to music level.
  • Active [boolean]: This parameter can be used if the object is in the scene but should not be heard. It is kind of similar to the gain parameter.

It is further planned to implement more sophisticated parameters of ADM in the future.

To load and play audio signals, you can use three different options:

  • Single audio objects (rather short signals up to a few minutes), starting with playback from the very beginning or at a dedicated playback time. These objects will be loaded via XMLHttpRequests and decoded with the Web Audio API built-in decodeAudioData() function. The representation of those signals will be a AudioBufferSouceNode. The bogJS wrapper for this is the AudioData class. A typical use case would be a effect or speech object.
  • Multiple single objects that have the identical duration and that shall be played back simultaneaously. For those objects, there is a dedicated class (IRTPlayer) which can or should be used for this purpose. The IRTPlayer class uses several AudioData instances to load and play files.
  • One or more audio objects with longer duration (> 3 minutes). These audio signals shall have the same duration as the audio scene. A typical usage would be one or multiple audio beds (containing e.g. atmo and music) that can have a file or stream representation. The HTML5 media element is used for this purpose and connected to the Web Audio API via a MediaElementSourceNode. The media file or stream can have multiple channels. Depending on the browser and codec, different maximum track numbers are possible. More than eight channels are currently only possible with a .wav container. See also here.

The channel order detection class

If you use an audio bed for your scene, the ChannelOrderTest() class is used to detect the order of the decoded channels. To make use of this functionality, you have to encode these test files with your preferred encoder and settings. The test set contains uncompressed wav files from 2 channels up to 16 chs with a duration of 48000 samples (1 second@48kHz). For each channel, a different sinus tone is used to detect the order after the encoding and decoding again. Further, you need to upload those files to a folder on the server where the HTML file using bogJS is located. Otherwise you will likely run into a CORS issue. For OS X user, there is a encoding bash script enclosed under /tools.

/* Simple example */
var ch = new ChannelOrderTest("mp4", 6);
// -> [0, 2, 1, 4, 5, 3]

/* Advanced example */
var ctx = new AudioContext();
var ch;
$(ch).on('order_ready', function(e, order){
    console.log("Got channel order: " + order);
ch = new ChannelOrderTest("ogg", 4, ctx, "path/to/testfiles/");
// -> Got channel order: [0, 3, 2, 1]

Container and file extensions

If no file extension is given in the scene file, the AudioData() class and the ObjectManager() class will firstly detect the capabilities of the used browser and then try to load the given file with the preferred extension. The order can be read and changed here:

  1. .mp4
  2. .opus
  3. .ogg
  4. .mp3
  5. .wav


Especially for object movements, we need interpolated position updates of the values. The Web Audio API offers with the AudioParam interface the possibility to do this in certain ways. Unfortunately, the PannerNode (used for object positioning) does not support this interface. Only the new SpatialPannerNode will support this. Once the major browser support the SpatialPannerNode, it will be implemented here. As this might happen in the near future, I decided not to implement any interpolation logic as it will be integrated shortly anyway. Hence, you need to interpolate the object positions by yourself until this is fixed.

For other object parameters (currently only Gain), the framework basically offers interpolation features, but I recommend not to mix them.


All time relevant changes (start of playback, position update, ..) is realized with the WAAClock. Once the ObjectManager retrieved the scene data from the file, all necessary commands are registered with WAAClock events. This makes sure that critical timing updates are executed in time.

File vs Stream

Even though bogJS was designed to be capable of reading scene streams, it is currently not supported yet. All neccesarry scene data needs to be stored in a text file and passed to the ObjectManager instance.

Advanced example

This example uses audio beds over the entire duration, single objects and grouped objects with changing positions and other settings over time.

/spatdif/meta/audiobed/url demos/5ch_bed_music1+2_atmo3+4_speech5
/spatdif/meta/audiobed/tracks 5

/spatdif/time 0.0
/spatdif/source/Bed0/position -1.0 0.0 -1.0
/spatdif/source/Bed0/active 1
/spatdif/source/Bed0/track_mapping bed_0
/spatdif/source/Bed0/gain 1
/spatdif/source/Bed1/position 1.0 0.0 -1.0
/spatdif/source/Bed1/active 1
/spatdif/source/Bed1/track_mapping bed_1
/spatdif/source/Bed1/gain 1
/spatdif/source/Bed2/position -1.0 0.0 1.0
/spatdif/source/Bed2/active 1
/spatdif/source/Bed2/track_mapping bed_2
/spatdif/source/Bed2/gain 1
/spatdif/source/Bed3/position 1.0 0.0 1.0
/spatdif/source/Bed3/active 1
/spatdif/source/Bed3/track_mapping bed_3
/spatdif/source/Bed3/gain 1
/spatdif/source/Speech/position 0.05 0.0 -2.52
/spatdif/source/Speech/active 1
/spatdif/source/Speech/track_mapping bed_4
/spatdif/source/Speech/gain 1

/spatdif/time 70.754
/spatdif/source/Birds1_L/position -0.86 0.0 -1.77
/spatdif/source/Birds1_L/interpolate 0
/spatdif/source/Birds1_L/active 1
/spatdif/source/Birds1_L/track_mapping http://akamai-progressive.irt.de/demos/vulcano/Geflatter_1+3_L
/spatdif/source/Birds1_L/gain 1
/spatdif/source/Birds1_L/interactive 0
/spatdif/source/Birds1_R/position 0.86 0.0 -1.79
/spatdif/source/Birds1_R/interpolate 0
/spatdif/source/Birds1_R/active 1
/spatdif/source/Birds1_R/track_mapping http://akamai-progressive.irt.de/demos/vulcano/Geflatter_1+3_R
/spatdif/source/Birds1_R/gain 1
/spatdif/source/Birds1_R/interactive 0

/spatdif/time 70.804
/spatdif/source/Birds1_L/position -0.8605 0.0 -1.645
/spatdif/source/Birds1_R/position 0.8595 0.0 -1.6645

/spatdif/time 70.854
/spatdif/source/Birds1_L/position -0.861 0.0 -1.52
/spatdif/source/Birds1_R/position 0.859 0.0 -1.539

/spatdif/time 117.55
/spatdif/source/Stones_L/position -0.64 0.0 -0.79
/spatdif/source/Stones_L/active 1
/spatdif/source/Stones_L/track_mapping http://akamai-progressive.irt.de/demos/vulcano/Gesteinsbrocken_L
/spatdif/source/Stones_L/gain 1
/spatdif/source/Stones_L/interactive 0
/spatdif/source/Stones_L/group Stones

/spatdif/source/Stones_R/position 0.29 0.0 -0.88
/spatdif/source/Stones_R/active 1
/spatdif/source/Stones_R/track_mapping http://akamai-progressive.irt.de/demos/vulcano/Gesteinsbrocken_R
/spatdif/source/Stones_R/gain 1
/spatdif/source/Stones_R/interactive 0
/spatdif/source/Stones_R/group Stones

/spatdif/time 117.6
/spatdif/source/Stones_L/position -0.6215 0.0 -0.7375
/spatdif/source/Stones_R/position 0.2905 0.0 -0.8255
/spatdif/source/Stones_R/gain 0.75

/spatdif/time 120.0
/spatdif/source/Stones_L/position -0.603 0.0 -0.685
/spatdif/source/Stones_L/active 0
/spatdif/source/Stones_R/position 0.291 0.0 -0.771
/spatdif/source/Stones_R/gain 0.5

/spatdif/time 123.8
/spatdif/source/Stones_L/position -0.5845 0.0 -0.6325
/spatdif/source/Stones_L/active 1
/spatdif/source/Stones_R/position 0.2915 0.0 -0.7165
/spatdif/source/Stones_R/gain 0.25


Michael Weitnauer (weitnauer@irt.de), Michael Meier (meier@irt.de)


Parts of this framework were developed in the European collaborative research project ORPHEUS. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 687645. Follow ORPHEUS on Twitter: @ORPHEUS_AUDIO


This framework is published under the MIT License.

3rd Party Libraries used for this Project