
Use advanced processes to develop a digital technologies outcome (Level 2, 6 credits)

Primary LanguagePython

Isaac Lindroos: AS91897

Use advanced processes to develop a digital technologies outcome (Level 2, 6 credits)


Create a program that works as a tool to allow users to solve a specific problem.


Parents and students would like a Budget Laptop Calculator to assist them in figuring out the prices of a laptop that is fit for purpose at school. For example, the student needs his laptop for 3d modelling, must have a minimum RAM of 16GB, this tool would suggest possible laptops and a predicted budget.

You need to think about the context this calculator would be used in, the end users and the usability of such a tool and plan accordingly. You are encouraged to refine and redesign your calculator interface based on your own goals.

Your task is to create a functional prototype to suit the needs of your potential users. You may create a text-based program or a GUI interface (which will require a library like tkinter or PyQt5).

Repository Content:

Achievement Standard:


Isaac Lindroos: AS91896

Use advanced programming techniques to develop a computer program (Level 2, 6 credits)


Create a program that works as a tool to allow users to solve a specific problem.


Parents and students would like a Budget Laptop Calculator to assist them in figuring out the prices of a laptop that is fit for purpose at school. For example, the student needs his laptop for 3d modelling, must have a minimum RAM of 16GB, this tool would suggest possible laptops and a predicted budget.

You need to think about the context this calculator would be used in, the end users and the usability of such a tool and plan accordingly. You are encouraged to refine and redesign your calculator interface based on your own goals.

Your task is to create a functional prototype to suit the needs of your potential users. You may create a text-based program or a GUI interface (which will require a library like tkinter or PyQt5).

How to use the Laptop Price Calculator