
Primary LanguageOCaml

I suggest installing ocaml and opam from macports/apt-get.  From there initialize opam and
install core. Questions/difficulties should be directed to <dgriffi3@illinois.edu>. 
The easiest way to try sill is to install opam and then use "opam install sill".
The opam version may be slightly out of date, so you may wish to install from the git repo
instead.  On a fresh Ubuntu VM the following commands successfully installed SILL (the
last step is optional): 

   git clone https://github.com/ISANobody/sill.git
   cd sill
   sudo apt-get install oasis opam m4
   opam init
   <follow opam init instructions>
   opam install <the packages listed in opam/opam's depends field>
   ocaml setup.ml -configure
   ocaml setup.ml -build
   sudo ocaml setup.ml -install

After this "sill [options] <file>.sill"  should be usable for your programs.

See sill.grammar (https://github.com/ISANobody/sill/blob/master/sill.grammar) for SILL's

Options are passed to sill via the following flags:

-help    prints out a short usage description
-?       prints out a short usage description

-backend      selects which backend to use. Currently supported are (Default: thread):
	      thread       Use OCaml's Thread module to support concurrency. This is
			   currently the only backend that is full featured and well
			   tested. This should be used unless you have a good reason to
                           use the others.
	      thread_async The asynchronous version of the threaded implementation.  Since
			   these semantics are fundamentally different than for -backend
			   thread, this is most likely alternative backend to try.
                           -interpstats is unsupported for this backend.
	      fork         Uses Unix.fork to handle concurrency. It communicates
			   via fifos in a temporary directory. This doesn't clean up after
			   itself. The temporary directory should be safe to remove after
			   the program finishes executing. Correct execution should be
			   identical to -backend thread, so other than demonstrating our
			   backend flexibility, this may not be helpful (it does evade
			   OCaml's cap on the number of simultaneous concurrently
			   executing threads).  The dynamic logging options -evaltrace and
                           -interpstats will not work with this backend.
	      ssh          A truly distributed backend that uses ssh encrypted channels to
                           connect processes. It is truly broken.

-gkind        select a global way to treat unconsumed linear channels (Default: linear):
              linear       linear channels must be fully consumed via a wait statement
              one_weaken   channels that are only missing their wait statement are allowed
              affine       linear channels are treated as affine

-dynchecks    enable dynamic type checks. In theory, this confirms that executing processes
	      dynamically conform to their static types. Currently, this is broken and
              should not be used.

-evaltrace    prints out a trace of the execution. Each process receives a number and
              information is tracked on a per process basis. Line/character numbers of the
              form @line:char proceed a short record of what occurred at each step in the
              process execution.

-subtypetrace prints out information on the subtyping problems solved
              during typechecking. This is a bit messy, and, ideally, the default error
              messages should be informative enough to make this unneeded.

-typetrace    prints out rules that the type checker uses to typecheck the program.  This
	      is a bit messy, and, ideally, the default error messages should be
              informative enough to make this unneeded.

-interpstats  Gather statistics and print them after the end of execution. While,
	      theoretically, this is backend dependent, but only 'thread' supports
              this flag so its output will be described here.
                 Threads Created:    The number of threads created during program execution
		 Logical Threads:    The number of threads that would have been created
                                     without the tail-bind optimization.
                 Peak Exec Threads:  The peak number of simultaneous threads.

To add your own tests to the automatic test suite, add a program to either the 'tests' or
'failures' directories, with 'tests' for expected successes and 'failures' for expected
failures. Next, for <filename>.sill, add either <filename>.sill.interp or
<filename>.output to 'tests' to have either the programs evaluation trace or just its
stdout diffed against its associated reference. For programs in 'failures' add
<filename>.sill.error instead. WARNING: while the complete trace (i.e.,
<filename>.sill.interp) is probably "better" as a test, the trace can be sensitive to
thread creation order, thus some "more concurrent" tests will need to arrange some
deterministic output and rely only on <filename>.sill.output.

To add your own backend, look in eval_functor.ml and the examples of eval_thread.ml etc.
Since it's somewhat poorly documented, you should harass <dgriffi3@illinois.edu> about
anything that is unclear.

If, during use, you see a message that contains "BUG", please report it to
<dgriffi3@illinois.edu>, these are internal errors and indicate something went
seriously wrong. If you hate the worthless parsing errors, sorry.