
Learning GUI in C/C++ making a Tic Tac Toe

Primary LanguageC++

Tic Tac Toe

My first GUI, using wxWidgets in C/C++, making a simple Tic Tac Toe game.

Instructed by teacher Pietro Martins De Oliveira.


The First Screen its this:

All Buttons Disable

The First Screen is with all buttons disable making the user start a new match on menu game or press CTRL+N.


Game Menu:

Game Menu

The Game Menu have a three derivated menus(New Game, Score Board and Quit).

  • New Game - Start a table for new game able all buttons for click for first player (X). New Game Srcreen

  • Score Board - Show a scoreboard on match.

    • Player 1 Score.
    • Player 2 Score.
    • Tied Score.
    • Counter of Matchs.

    Scoreboard Screen

  • Quit - Exit of the game.

Help Menu

Help Menu

The Help Menu have one drevated menu(About).

  • About - Show a message box with about informations. About Screan

On Game:

Pressed Buttons

When mouse cursor it is on of buttons the color of them changing for blue/violet more dark. This ocurred when the button is pressed also.

The End of Game

End Game Screen

When finish game the message box appears with Winner announcement or Tied announcement more scoreboard updated.

My "fantastic" ICON





This FANTASTIC icon its made in Paint. 😆

My code

Have a mix of C/C++ and its all only file Tic_Tac_Toe.cpp yet, but for my first GUI made I understand how to work the basic of wxWidgets lib.

Tic Tac Toe on Terminal

I made a version for terminal for created my logic of the game, but I realy liked of this challenge and I want upgrade them

Screens v1.0

Initial Screen Start Game Finish Game