
Repository for CPU Kernel Generation for LLM Inference

Primary LanguagePython

Quantized Inference on Generative LLMs (QIGen)

Code generator for inference on Quantized Large Language Models. Quantization is done using GPTQ.

Current features

  • Support for LlaMA and OPT
  • 4,3, and 2 bit inference
  • x86 with AVX2 support
  • Support for pyTorch and transformers
  • Support for generic quantization group size


  • Support for ARM Neon
  • Support for AVX512
  • Including quantization error analysis in code generation



  1. Install dependencies via pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Install transformers from source pip install git+https://github.com/huggingface/transformers
  3. Install the python module python setup.py install. This will run a search to find the best parameters for register usage.


We give an example notebook in demo.ipynb. The basic workflow is

  • load floating point model,
  • load quantized checkpoint from GPTQ,
  • call the infergen.swap_modules_llama(model, quantized_checkpoint, bits=4, p=64, l1=l1, inplace=False) function, where model is the full-size model, quantized_checkpoint is the quantized model, bits is the number of bits used for the quantization,l1 is the size of the l1 data cache in bits, p is the number of cores to use, and inplace is a flag to swap in place or creating a copy.
  • Use the quantized model as a normal transformer.