

Primary LanguageC++

Szczepan's esphome custom components

This repository contains a collection of my custom components for ESPHome.

"Buy Me A Coffee"
"Kup mi kawę"

1. Usage

Use latest ESPHome with external components and add this to your .yaml definition:

  - source: github://SzczepanLeon/esphome-components@main

2. Components

2.1. wmbus

Component to receive wMBus frame (via CC1101), create HA sensor and send decoded value. You can also use this component with wmbusmeters HA addon: https://github.com/SzczepanLeon/esphome-components/blob/main/docs/wmbusgw.md

NOTE: From version 2.0 YAML configuration is changed. You can define multiple sensors for one meter.

NOTE: From version 1.3 features from wmbusgw are included in this component. It means that you need time component in yaml.

2.1.1. Example for version 2.x

  - platform: sntp
    id: time_sntp

  - source: github://SzczepanLeon/esphome-components@main
    components: [ wmbus ]

  mosi_pin: GPIO13
  miso_pin: GPIO5
  clk_pin:  GPIO2
  cs_pin:   GPIO14
  gdo0_pin: GPIO15
  gdo2_pin: GPIO16

  led_pin: GPIO0
  led_blink_time: "1s"

    - name: "wmbusmeters"
      ip_address: ""
      port: 7227

  - platform: wmbus
    meter_id: 0x24202020
    type: apator162
    key: "00000000000000000000000000000000"
      name: "My lqi"
      name: "My RSSI"
      name: "My cold water"

  - platform: wmbus
    meter_id: 0x12345678
    type: unismart
      name: "My LQI"
      name: "My RSSI"
      name: "My gas"

Supported sensors:

  • rssi
  • lqi
  • total_water_m3
  • total_energy_consumption_kwh
  • current_power_consumption_kw
  • total_energy_production_kwh
  • current_power_production_kw
  • current_hca
  • previous_hca
  • temp_room_avg_c
  • total_heating_kwh
  • total_gas_m3
  • flow_temperature_c
  • return_temperature_c
  • voltage_at_phase_1_v
  • voltage_at_phase_2_v
  • voltage_at_phase_3_v

Detailed documentation is ongoing ...

2.1.2. Example for version 1.x

  - platform: sntp
    id: time_sntp

  - source: github://SzczepanLeon/esphome-components@1.5.1
    components: [ wmbus ]

  mosi_pin: GPIO13
  miso_pin: GPIO5
  clk_pin:  GPIO2
  cs_pin:   GPIO14
  gdo0_pin: GPIO15
  gdo2_pin: GPIO16

  led_pin: GPIO0
  led_blink_time: "1s"

    - name: "wmbusmeters"
      ip_address: ""
      port: 7227

  - platform: wmbus
    name: "My water from Apator"
    meter_id: 0x24202020
    type: apator162
    key: "00000000000000000000000000000000"
  - platform: wmbus
    name: "My Water from Izar"
    meter_id: 306029916
    type: izar
    accuracy_decimals: 3

Configuration variables:

In wmbus platform:

  • mosi_pin (Optional): CC1101 MOSI pin connection. Defaults to GPIO13.
  • miso_pin (Optional): CC1101 MISO pin connection. Defaults to GPIO12.
  • clk_pin (Optional): CC1101 CLK pin connection. Defaults to GPIO14.
  • cs_pin (Optional): CC1101 CS pin connection. Defaults to GPIO2.
  • gdo0_pin (Optional): CC1101 GDO0 pin connection. Defaults to GPIO5.
  • gdo2_pin (Optional): CC1101 GDO2 pin connection. Defaults to GPIO4.
  • led_pin (Optional): Pin where LED is connected. It will blink on each telegram. You can use all options from Pin Schema.
  • led_blink_time (Optional): How long LED will stay ON. Defaults to 300 ms.
  • clients (Optional):
    • name (Required): The name for this client.
    • ip_address (Required): IP address.
    • port (Required): Port number.
    • format (Optional): Telegram format to send. HEX or RTLWMBUS. Defaults to RTLWMBUS.
    • transport (Optional): TCP or UDP. Defaults to TCP.


  • meter_id (Required, int): Meter ID (usually from sticker). Can be specified as decimal or hex.
  • type (Required, string): Meter type. Currently amiplus, apator08, apator162, apatoreitn, bmeters, elf, evo868, fhkvdataiii, hydrocalm3, itron, izar, mkradio3, mkradio4, qheat, qwater, sharky774, topaseskr, ultrimis, unismart, vario451 are supported.
  • key (Optional): Key for meter, used in payload decoding process. Defaults to "".
  • All other options from Sensor.

2.2. wmbusgw

NOTE: Please switch to wmbus

Component to receive wMBus frame (via CC1101) and send it via TCP or UDP to wmbusmeters (as HEX or rtl-wmbus format).

2.2.1. Example

  - platform: sntp
    id: time_sntp

  - source: github://SzczepanLeon/esphome-components@main
    components: [ wmbusgw ]

  mosi_pin: GPIO13
  miso_pin: GPIO5
  clk_pin:  GPIO2
  cs_pin:   GPIO14
  gdo0_pin: GPIO15
  gdo2_pin: GPIO16
    - name: "wmbusmeters"
      ip_address: ""
      port: 7227
      format: rtlwMBus
    - name: "tests"
      ip_address: ""
      port: 6116
    - name: "tests"
      ip_address: ""
      port: 7337
      transport: UDP

On client side you can use netcat to receive packets:

nc -lk 7227


nc -lku 7337

or add to wmbusmeters.conf:

device=rtlwmbus:CMD(nc -lk 7227)

Configuration variables:

  • mosi_pin (Required): CC1101 MOSI pin connection.
  • miso_pin (Required): CC1101 MISO pin connection.
  • clk_pin (Required): CC1101 CLK pin connection.
  • cs_pin (Required): CC1101 CS pin connection.
  • gdo0_pin (Required): CC1101 GDO0 pin connection.
  • gdo2_pin (Required): CC1101 GDO2 pin connection.
  • reboot_timeout (Optional): The amount of time to wait before rebooting when no data from CC1101 is received or no packets are transmited over TCP to clients. Can be disabled by setting this to 0s. Defaults to 3min.
  • clients (Optional):
    • name (Required): The name for this client.
    • ip_address (Required): IP address.
    • port (Required): Port number.
    • format (Optional): Telegram format to send. HEX or RTLWMBUS. Defaults to HEX.
    • transport (Optional): TCP or UDP. Defaults to TCP.

2.2.2. wmbusmeters HA addon

You can also use this component with wmbusmeters HA addon: https://github.com/SzczepanLeon/esphome-components/blob/main/docs/wmbusgw.md

3. Author & License

Szczepan, GPL, 2022-2023