Documentation of the whole IT-Rex system can be found here.
Especially relevant documentation for the internal data model of this service:
Documentation of the recommended development environment setup can be found here.
To start your application in the dev profile, run:
./gradlew -Pdev bootRun
The service can be provided as a Docker image. To build the Docker image and load it into your local registry execute:
./gradlew -Pdev jibDockerBuild
Further documentation on how to start the service can be found here.
This application was generated using JHipster 6.10.5, you can find documentation and help at
This is a "microservice" application intended to be part of a microservice architecture, please refer to the [Doing microservices with JHipster][] page of the documentation for more information.
This application is configured for Service Discovery and Configuration with the JHipster-Registry. On launch, it will refuse to start if it is not able to connect to the JHipster-Registry at http://localhost:8761. For more information, read our documentation on [Service Discovery and Configuration with the JHipster-Registry][].