
tp2-team-7 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageTeX


tp2-team-7 created by GitHub Classroom TP2 - Electrónica III

There are only three folders with all project content that are

  • doc: contains project tex files for each task
  • data: contains project aditional resources (images, pdfs) files
  • ejercicio_8/verilog: contains the verilog codes for task 8.

Note: all other files are not the final project but were part of our process making the project.


  • To compile the report run make on root directory, report.pdf file with project content will be produced.
  • To compile the task 8 verilog plese open one of the three modules folders and run make. Executable will be made in bin folder. By running executable you'll get .vcd file that using gtkwave will show the output of verilog tests.