Allows you to create and manage databases in Batch Code
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Creating a Database:
create [DBName] [Values]
[DBName] - Replace with the name of your database. Should be one word and have only letters and numbers.
[Values] - Replace with Values you wish your Database to have (up to nine values).
Example: create People username password
This will create a database called people with the values username and password.
Storing data in a Database:
store [DBName] ["Value=Data"] ["Value=Data"]
[DBName] - Replace with the name of your existing database.
["Value=Data"] - Replace Value with the preset value. Replace Data with the data you wish to assign to the value.
NOTE: Always keep in quotes
Example: store People "username=Lucas" "password=1234"
This will add a new entry into the database People with the the username Lucas and password 1234
Reading a Database
read [DBName] where ["value=data"] [value]
[DBName] - Name of the database. With just this command it will display all info in the database
where - The where option allows you to find a value where another value is true
["value=data"] - Just like storing data, you enter the value name and the data, except it will check for sections where this is true
NOTE: If there are multiple instances it will select the second option. This will be changed in a future update.
[value] - Replace with the value you wish to get from the collumn where the value is equal to your data.
NOTE: You can also enter #value as the value, and it will return the #value number, which is an incrementing number given to each entry.
Example: read People where "username=Lucas" password
This will search for a column in the People database with the username Lucas, and will return with the password.
Removing Data from a Database
remove [DBName] [where/#Value] ["value=data"]/[#value]
[DBName] - Name of the database.
where - Sets to where mode, which you can use like where in the READ command.
#value - Sets to value mode, where you enter in the #value
["value=data"] - Just like storing data, you enter the name and the data, except this will remove all collumns with this true. For use with where mode only.
[#value] - Replace witht he value number for the entry you wish to remove. For use with Value mode only.
Deleting a Database
delete [DBName]
[DBName] -Name of the database to delete.
1- Database was not found (or was found if creating a database)
2- Invalid Syntax
3- Connection Error
4- Field not found in Database (value not found)
5- No Results (not necessarely and error)
Try these commands when troubleshooting:
-Downloads the latest version of this program.
-Cleans up temporary files. May remove bugs.
-Deletes all Databases. For use in a batch file use " Clearall Force" to bypass prompt.
This Version:
Written by: Lucas Elliott with IT Command