
Allows you to create and manage databases in Batch Code

Primary LanguageBatchfile

Database Version 1.2

Allows you to create and manage databases in Batch Code

The Help File

To view this help file (in color) in the program use /Help
We recommend reading this in full screen mode.

Creating a Database:
  create [DBName] [Values]

 [DBName]         - Replace with the name of your database. Should be one word and have only letters and numbers.
 [Values]         - Replace with Values you wish your Database to have (up to nine values).

Example:  create People username password
    This will create a database called people with the values username and password.

Storing data in a Database:
 store [DBName] ["Value=Data"] ["Value=Data"]

 [DBName]         - Replace with the name of your existing database.
 ["Value=Data"]   - Replace Value with the preset value. Replace Data with the data you wish to assign to the value.
                    NOTE: Always keep in quotes

Example:  store People "username=Lucas" "password=1234"
    This will add a new entry into the database People with the the username Lucas and password 1234

Reading a Database
 read  [DBName] where ["value=data"] [value]

 [DBName]         - Name of the database. With just this command it will display all info in the database
  where           - The where option allows you to find a value where another value is true
 ["value=data"]   - Just like storing data, you enter the value name and the data, except it will check for sections where this is true
                   NOTE: If there are multiple instances it will select the second option. This will be changed in a future update.
 [value]          - Replace with the value you wish to get from the collumn where the value is equal to your data.
                   NOTE: You can also enter #value as the value, and it will return the #value number, which is an incrementing number given to each entry.

Example:  read People where "username=Lucas" password
    This will search for a column in the People database with the username Lucas, and will return with the password.

Removing Data from a Database
  remove [DBName] [where/#Value] ["value=data"]/[#value]

 [DBName]         - Name of the database.
  where           - Sets to where mode, which you can use like where in the READ command.
  #value          - Sets to value mode, where you enter in the #value
 ["value=data"]   - Just like storing data, you enter the name and the data, except this will remove all collumns with this true. For use with where mode only.
 [#value]         - Replace witht he value number for the entry you wish to remove. For use with Value mode only.

Deleting a Database
 delete  [DBName]

 [DBName]         -Name of the database to delete.


1- Database was not found (or was found if creating a database)
2- Invalid Syntax
3- Connection Error
4- Field not found in Database (value not found)
5- No Results (not necessarely and error)

Try these commands when troubleshooting:

  -Downloads the latest version of this program.

  -Cleans up temporary files. May remove bugs.

  -Deletes all Databases. For use in a batch file use " Clearall Force" to bypass prompt.

This Version: 
Written by: Lucas Elliott with IT Command www.itcommand.tech
Contact:  Lucas@ITCommand.tech