This extension for Alfresco is obsolete and unsupported. Use it on your own risk.

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Alvex inform policy extension

This extension informs users about changes in documents they are watching for. If someone updates a document, the following users receive email:

  • creator of the document
  • last editor of the document
  • all editors of the document
  • all users mentioned in associations of the document
  • users favourited the document (requires alvex-infavorites-document-associtation component)

Compatible with Alfresco 5.1 and 5.2.

This component requires:

Using this project

Recommended way to use Alvex components is to include them as dependencies to your Maven project. Follow this guide to include this component to your project.

Build from source

To build Alvex follow this guide.

Quick Start

All preferences could be set in

  • Mail preferences
  • documentchangeinform.mail.from (String) - notification from address, not working if in your OutboundSMTP configuration mail.from.enabled false or not set!
  • documentchangeinform.mail.subject (String) - notification subject
  • Group preferences
  • documentchangeinform.creator (booolean) - enable notifications for document creator
  • documentchangeinform.lasteditor (booolean) - enable notifications for last editor of document
  • documentchangeinform.associated (booolean) - enable notification for everyone in target associations of document
  • documentchangeinform.editors (booolean) - enable notification for all editors of document
  • documentchangeinform.infavorites (booolean) - enable notification for all who favorited this document (requires alvex-infavorites-document-associtation component)

Sample config:

documentchangeinform.mail.from=Alfresco instance <>

After starting Alfresco with installed extension you can find email templates at Data Dictionary/Email Templates/Document Change Notification/. Customize them if you need.

Warning! Do not forget to configure OutboundSMTP in