Module for processing reanalysis grids and comparative analysis of time series with meteorological parameters
pip install git+
This module allows comparing time series with meteoparameters obtained from ERA5 or CFS2 reanalysis with data from weather stations. With this module you can generate reports, make visualizations, calculate the wind components U and V from the velocity and direction (and perform reverse operations also) and much more.
All necessary documentation you can find in docstring or in examples.
☑️ ERA5 - ERA5Processor class
☑️ CFS2 - CFS2Processor class
☑️ Custom interpolated grids - InterpolatedProcessor class
☑️ rp5
☑️ Roshydromet
- ERA5 comparison with weather station (Roshydromet) example (in russian)
- CFS2 comparison with weather station (rp5) example (in russian)