
Tool for benchmarking automated time series forecasting algorithms

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Python time series benchmark. The main goal of this repository is to allow researchers and developers to compare several time series forecasting models or libraries. The repository contains data and the necessary wrappers for forecasting univariate and multivariate time series.


Univariate time series


Which can be used to predict univariate time series

The repository includes the following libraries and models for comparison:

  • FEDOT - AutoML framework which supports the time series forecasting task. Name in the repository FEDOT.
  • AutoTS - Automated time series forecasting library. Name in the repository AutoTS.
  • pmdarima - A statistical library to fit ts models. Name in the repository pmdarima.
  • prophet - a procedure for forecasting time series data based on an additive model. Name in the repository prophet.
  • H2O - (lagged transformation + H2O) AutoML platform for tabular data. Name in the repository H2O.
  • TPOT - (lagged transformation + TPOT) Tree-based Pipeline Optimization Tool. AutoML library for tabular data. Name in the repository TPOT.
  • naive forecaster - repeat last observation. Name in the repository repeat_last.
  • naive forecaster - forecasts the average value of the time series. Name in the repository average.
  • naive forecaster ETS - Simple exponential smoothing model. Name in the repository ets.


Available datasets (check data folder):

  • FRED (license) - Federal Reserve Economic Data is an online database consisting of economic data time series (source link). Name in the repository FRED.
  • TEP (license) - Tennessee Eastman Process (TEP) is a model of the industrial chemical process (source link). Name in the repository TEP.
  • SMART - the readings with a time span of 1 minute of house appliances in kW from a smart meter and weather conditions (source link). Name in the repository SMART.

Below is a brief description of datasets:

Dataset Total number of
time series
Average row
Minimum row
Maximum row
Percentage of
time series
FRED 12 3674 468 17520 67
TEP 41 12801 12801 12801 5
SMART 28 503911 503911 503911 21

And visualisations:

Multivariate time series


Which can be used to predict multivariate time series

The repository includes the following libraries and models for comparison:

  • FEDOT - AutoML framework which supports both univariate and multivariate time series forecasting tasks. Name in the repository FEDOT.
  • naive forecaster - repeat last observation. Name in the repository repeat_last.
  • naive forecaster - forecasts the average value of the time series. Name in the repository average.


At the moment, the repository contains one dataset of multivariate time series forecasting:

  • SSH - Data were collected by simulating the sea surface height (SSH) using NEMO (Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean) model. The data contain measurements of sea level (in meters) in different geographical locations. For each time series, the coordinates (x and y) and the label are known. For each series, it is required to generate a forecast based on the previous values of the current and all other time series. Name in the repository SSH.

The picture below shows the location of the time series and shows examples of the structures of some of them.

The model is designed to iteratively generate a forecast for each time series in the dataset. It is possible to use the historical values of not only the target series but also the neighboring (exogenous time series).


See documentation for a more detailed explanation.


Check experiments folder

Benchmark contains two forecasting tasks:

  • univariate time series
  • multivariate time series

For each case there is a folder with a configuration file to launch experiments. Results according to experiments are presented in the tables below.

Univariate time series

In progress

Multivariate time series

In progress


Use the following command to install this module

pip install git+https://github.com/ITMO-NSS-team/pytsbe.git


This module is designed so that you can add your library to it as easily as possible.

Follow these steps to make the changes:

  • Make a fork of this repository, or create a separate branch
  • Add a new Forecaster class
  • If required, add a new class to serialize additional launch information
  • Create a pull request and ask our team to review it
  • After the code review, correct our notes and merge the code into the main branch

And check contribution guide for more details.


Nikitin, Nikolay O., et al. "Automated evolutionary approach for the design of composite machine learning pipelines." Future Generation Computer Systems 127 (2022): 109-125.

Other papers - in ResearchGate