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Project Guidelines

1. Basic Introduction

    │  ├─conf               (Config file)
    │  ├─docs  	            (swagger APIs docs)
    │  ├─log                 (log file)
    │  ├─public              (public static file)
            │  ├─static      (head icon)
        │  ├─controller     (Controller)
        │  ├─middleware      (Middleware)
        │  ├─models         (Model entity)
        │  ├─pkg            (Project private package)
            │  ├─adapter    (Casbin adapter)
            │  ├─app        (Gin service response) 
            │  ├─codes      (Response code)
            │  ├─error      (Project private error)
            │  ├─gredis     (Redis)
            │  ├─query      (Songo parase to SQL line)
            │  ├─setting    (Project setting)
        │  ├─router         (Router)
        │  ├─rpc            (RPC)
        │  ├─service        (services)
        │  └─utils	        (common utilities)

2. Technical selection

  • Frontend: using Element-UI based on vue,to code the page.
  • Backend: using Gin to quickly build basic RESTful API. Gin is a web framework written in Go (Golang).
  • Database: PostgreSQL ,using gorm2.0 to implement data manipulation.
  • Cache: using Redis to implement the recording of the JWT token of the currently active user and implement the multi-login restriction.
  • API: using Swagger of Gin to auto generate APIs docs。
  • Config: using gopkg.in/yaml.v2 to implement yaml config file。
  • Log: using github.com/sirupsen/logrus record logs。

3. Features

  • Authority management: Authority management based on jwt and casbin.
  • User management: The system administrator assigns user roles and role permissions.
  • Role management: Create the main object of permission control, and then assign different API permissions to the role.
  • Menu management: User dynamic menu configuration implementation, assigning different menus to different roles.
  • API management: Different users can call different API permissions.

4. To-do list

  • upload & export Excel
  • record manager actions
  • RPC