
📷 微信 和 微博 图片浏览器, UIViewControlelr + CollectionView , 完美适配 iPhone 以及 各种 iPad ,屏幕旋转功能 , 适配SDWebImage 4.0

Primary LanguageObjective-C



中文 | English

most like photoBrowser of Wechat(TX) and Weibo(Sina) in China
if you get any function to add, just contact me by E-mail. Welcome to Star

image image image image image

Update content

  • 1.photoBrowser has been recoded , turn the UIView to the UIViewController
  • 2.adapt iPhoneXiPhoneXSiPhoneXRiPhoneXS_Max
  • 3.perfect adapt the rotate of the Screen
  • 4.photoBrowser for IM (like Wechat chat session)
  • 5.photoBrowser add prefetch image API (2019/3/13)

1.Function describe and Point

  • 1.Depend SDWebImage(4.0) and FLAnimatedImage
  • 2.load nine picture ,scrollView,tableView,chat session for IM
  • 3.most like photoBrowser of Wechat and Weibo in China
  • 4.provide function which can delete and download image
  • 5.the other type's Demo will be upload soon

2.How to use

1.init KNPhotoBrowser, set params

// 1.make every control as an object, put it into an array
KNPhotoItems *items = [[KNPhotoItems alloc] init];
items.url = [urlArr[i] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"thumbnail" withString:@"bmiddle"];
items.sourceView = imageView;
[self.itemsArr addObject:items];
// jump to the photobrowser --> you can see in the Demo 
KNPhotoBrowser *photoBrowser = [[KNPhotoBrowser alloc] init];
photoBrowser.itemsArr = [self.itemsArr copy];
photoBrowser.isNeedPageControl = true;
photoBrowser.isNeedPageNumView = true;
photoBrowser.isNeedRightTopBtn = true;
photoBrowser.isNeedPrefetch    = true;
photoBrowser.isNeedPictureLongPress = true;
photoBrowser.currentIndex = tap.view.tag;
[photoBrowser present];

2.provide Delegate --> KNPhotoBrowserDelegate

/* PhotoBrowser will dismiss */
- (void)photoBrowserWillDismiss;
/* PhotoBrowser right top btn show and ActionSheet will click with Index */
- (void)photoBrowserRightOperationActionWithIndex:(NSInteger)index;
/* PhotoBrowser save pic is success or not */
- (void)photoBrowserWriteToSavedPhotosAlbumStatus:(BOOL)success;
/* PhotoBrowser delete image --> relative index */
- (void)photoBrowserRightOperationDeleteImageSuccessWithRelativeIndex:(NSInteger)index;
/* PhotoBrowser delete image --> absolute Index */
- (void)photoBrowserRightOperationDeleteImageSuccessWithAbsoluteIndex:(NSInteger)index;

3.provide function of dismiss

// maybe you never use it
[_photoBrowser dismiss];


current select index
@property (nonatomic,assign) NSInteger  currentIndex;

contain KNPhotoItems : url && UIView
@property (nonatomic,strong) NSArray<KNPhotoItems *> *itemsArr;

contain ActionSheet alert contents ,which is belong NSString type
@property (nonatomic,strong) NSArray<NSString *> *actionSheetArr;

is or not need pageNumView , Default is false
@property (nonatomic,assign) BOOL  isNeedPageNumView;

is or not need pageControl , Default is false
@property (nonatomic,assign) BOOL  isNeedPageControl;

is or not need RightTopBtn , Default is false
@property (nonatomic,assign) BOOL  isNeedRightTopBtn;

is or not need PictureLongPress , Default is false
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isNeedPictureLongPress;

PhotoBrowser show
- (void)present;

PhotoBrowser dismiss
- (void)dismiss;

5.Most important point : strong link will lead to the photobrowser never destroy when it dismiss

// about ActionSheet, if you use it with much code, just let the `self` become `weakSelf` 
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
KNActionSheet *actionSheet = [[KNActionSheet alloc] initWithCancelTitle:nil otherTitleArr:self.actionSheetArr.copy actionBlock:^(NSInteger buttonIndex) {
if([weakSelf.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(photoBrowserRightOperationActionWithIndex:)]){
[weakSelf.delegate photoBrowserRightOperationActionWithIndex:buttonIndex];
[actionSheet show];

By the way

  • 1.Currently, It just be used in nine picure ,scrollView, tableView , chat session for IM
  • 2.if you find any bug, just contact me, it will be perfect by each other
  • 3.perfect adapt iPhone iPad
  • 4.perfect adapt the rotate of the Screen like Wechat and Weibo