most like photoBrowser of Wechat(TX) and Weibo(Sina) in China
if you get any function to add, just contact me by E-mail. Welcome to Star
Update content
1.photoBrowser has been recoded , turn the UIView to the UIViewController
2.adapt iPhoneX、iPhoneXS、iPhoneXR、iPhoneXS_Max
3.perfect adapt the rotate of the Screen
4.photoBrowser for IM (like Wechat chat session)
5.photoBrowser add prefetch image API (2019/3/13)
1.Function describe and Point
1.Depend SDWebImage(4.0) and FLAnimatedImage
2.load nine picture ,scrollView,tableView,chat session for IM
3.most like photoBrowser of Wechat and Weibo in China
4.provide function which can delete and download image
5.the other type's Demo will be upload soon
2.How to use
1.init KNPhotoBrowser, set params
// 1.make every control as an object, put it into an array
KNPhotoItems *items = [[KNPhotoItems alloc] init];
items.url = [urlArr[i] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"thumbnail" withString:@"bmiddle"];
items.sourceView = imageView;
[self.itemsArr addObject:items];
// jump to the photobrowser --> you can see in the Demo
KNPhotoBrowser *photoBrowser = [[KNPhotoBrowser alloc] init];
photoBrowser.itemsArr = [self.itemsArr copy];
photoBrowser.isNeedPageControl = true;
photoBrowser.isNeedPageNumView = true;
photoBrowser.isNeedRightTopBtn = true;
photoBrowser.isNeedPrefetch = true;
photoBrowser.isNeedPictureLongPress = true;
photoBrowser.currentIndex = tap.view.tag;
[photoBrowser present];
2.provide Delegate --> KNPhotoBrowserDelegate
/* PhotoBrowser will dismiss */
- (void)photoBrowserWillDismiss;
/* PhotoBrowser right top btn show and ActionSheet will click with Index */
- (void)photoBrowserRightOperationActionWithIndex:(NSInteger)index;
/* PhotoBrowser save pic is success or not */
- (void)photoBrowserWriteToSavedPhotosAlbumStatus:(BOOL)success;
/* PhotoBrowser delete image --> relative index */
- (void)photoBrowserRightOperationDeleteImageSuccessWithRelativeIndex:(NSInteger)index;
/* PhotoBrowser delete image --> absolute Index */
- (void)photoBrowserRightOperationDeleteImageSuccessWithAbsoluteIndex:(NSInteger)index;
3.provide function of dismiss
// maybe you never use it
[_photoBrowser dismiss];
current select index
@property (nonatomic,assign) NSInteger currentIndex;
contain KNPhotoItems : url && UIView
@property (nonatomic,strong) NSArray<KNPhotoItems *> *itemsArr;
contain ActionSheet alert contents ,which is belong NSString type
@property (nonatomic,strong) NSArray<NSString *> *actionSheetArr;
is or not need pageNumView , Default is false
@property (nonatomic,assign) BOOL isNeedPageNumView;
is or not need pageControl , Default is false
@property (nonatomic,assign) BOOL isNeedPageControl;
is or not need RightTopBtn , Default is false
@property (nonatomic,assign) BOOL isNeedRightTopBtn;
is or not need PictureLongPress , Default is false
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isNeedPictureLongPress;
PhotoBrowser show
- (void)present;
PhotoBrowser dismiss
- (void)dismiss;
5.Most important point : strong link will lead to the photobrowser never destroy when it dismiss
// about ActionSheet, if you use it with much code, just let the `self` become `weakSelf`
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
KNActionSheet *actionSheet = [[KNActionSheet alloc] initWithCancelTitle:nil otherTitleArr:self.actionSheetArr.copy actionBlock:^(NSInteger buttonIndex) {
if([weakSelf.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(photoBrowserRightOperationActionWithIndex:)]){
[weakSelf.delegate photoBrowserRightOperationActionWithIndex:buttonIndex];
[actionSheet show];
By the way
1.Currently, It just be used in nine picure ,scrollView, tableView , chat session for IM
2.if you find any bug, just contact me, it will be perfect by each other
3.perfect adapt iPhoneiPad
4.perfect adapt the rotate of the Screen like Wechat and Weibo