The ITP/IMA Community Guidelines is an evolving work-in-progress document that establishes and communicates the commitment of the ITP/IMA community to uphold a key set of standards and obligations that aim to make ITP/IMA an inclusive and welcoming environment.
- 72Soyeon
- bezark
- bomanimcBrooklyn, NY
- c-dacanay
- Dav1dyangNew York
- dwfigNYC
- ejarzo@batonmediainc
- ellennicklesNYU ITP / IMA / Low Res
- EthanPrintzNew York City
- evanzummeren
- guillemontecinosSantiago, Chile
- hellopowen
- ineslucasLisbon
- jasongao97Brooklyn
- kjhollenDenver, CO
- mahumjamalNYC
- MaxBittkerbrooklyn
- montoyamoraga@disenoUDP
- peilingjiangUC San Diego
- rashidakamalNew York, NY
- sekrystal
- sourrainDisguise
- themiscadizBrooklyn, NY
- vaneveryWalking Productions
- vibertthioTaipei, Taiwan
- zeyaoliNew York
- ZL91