
A simple robot car build with Arduino

Primary LanguageArduino


A simple robot car made with Arduino.

This project was carried out during an ITSAS workshop in the Facultad de Informática de San Sebastián.

Thanks to all the participants and the rest of the people who made this possible.

Arducar photo
Video: Preliminary version with remote control using an Android tablet

Short description + Components

This autonomous robot car follows a straight path. Once set on a surface the robot meassures its deviation from the earth's magnetic north and tries to stick to that deviation when moving forwards (allowing a small error).

The car was built using the following core elements: an arduino UNO (Rev.3) board, a dfrobot motor shield and a HMC5883L magnetometer.

This robot is powered by 8 AA (1'5V) batteries. 4 of them power the motors, through the motor shield, and the other 4 power the arduino UNO board.



The schematic source is the arducar_schematic.fzz file. It can be opened with the fritzing environment.


This code is in public domain. A link to the this project would be appreciated in case you publish something based on the code or schematics herein available.