Go MiniTwit

Store a file with the environment variables in the root directory with the name .minitwit-secrets.env. Make sure this is the exact name and do not store it under version control.

Build the entire application stack:

docker compose build

To run the entire application stack:

docker compose up

For every change in the application, repeat the above process with Docker.

Go Minitwit on DigitalOcean

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We used Vagrant to deploy our application to DigitalOcean. Vagrant is a tool that allows us to create and provision virtual machines. In our case, Vagrant will create a droplet on DigitalOcean and provision it with the necessary software and configuration. Specifically, it will:

  • Update the software on the VM
  • Install Go, GCC, and other dependencies necessary for Go-Minitwit
  • Clone Go-Minitwit repository
  • Build Go-Minitwit application to binary
  • Create a systemd service
  • Start Go-Minitwit service

1.1.1. Deploy

In order to deploy the application to DigitalOcean you will need to have Vagrant and Virtualbox installed on your machine. Afterwards, you will need the Vagrant plugin for DigitalOcean.

Install the DigitalOCean plugin: vagrant plugin install vagrant-digitalocean

Create your access token here

export SSH_KEY_NAME=''

Make sure that your private key for $SSH_KEY_NAME is in your ~/.ssh/ directory.

Run vagrant up: vagrant up

Access to the application!

1.2. Development

  • Develop locally with go run src/main.go . and go run api/api.go .
  • Test against production by running docker compose -f docker-compose.devtest.yaml up --build. For this, you will need to have the environment variables for Bugsnag.

1.2.1. Environment variables

Once you have the environment variables, set it up like this:

  1. Create a file on your system that contains the environment variables. This SHOULD not be at the project level or anywhere in version control. Example: ~/secrets/go-minitwit
  2. To expose the variables to the running terminal session, do source ~/secrets/go-minitwit
  3. Confirm that the variables are exposed, example echo $DOCKER_USERNAME


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