
Submissions for username JuliusFx for the above ITU problem statement

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Submissions for username JuliusFx for the above ITU problem statement

This repository contains the following files

  1. Technical Report - gives the summary of the model developed

  2. main.ipynb- the jupyter notebook used to generate the predictions

  3. The datasets provided

    a) Train.csv-contain train features (this file is big cannot upload here-- download from data section of page url provided below)

    b) Test.csv-we are supposed to predict the aqi values for the 160 location in the city of milan

    c) air_pollution_Milan_Comune_topo_only.csv-contains topological features for the city of milan

    d) Interpolated seasonal datasets from the city of milan from a regular grid

      i) meteo_autumn_2022
      ii) meteo_spring_2022
      iii) meteo_summer_2022
      iv) meteo_winter_2022
  4. requirements.txt- has the module version required to run the notebook successfuly

  5. lgb_sub.csv - contains the predictions for our proposed model

  6. Grand Final Presentation Power point - GeoAI Air Quality Susepcitibility.pptx

Order of Running the Files

  1. Ensure all files are residing in the same folder. I run them on conda environment in my computer

  2. Install the models in requirements.txt

  3. Run main.ipynb-should be able to generate the lgb_sub.csv file

To view the competition page where you can get more information on the problem statement, please visit: https://zindi.africa/competitions/geoai-challenge-for-air-pollution-susceptibility-mapping