An NFT Market place application where user can mint ERC20 token and can be used as a currency in the platform. User will be able to mint their own unique Non-Fungible ERC721 Tokens. These NFTs can be listed for sell and other use will be able to buy it from the platform in exchange of ERC20 Tokens from their accounts.
Technologies used: React.js (TypeScript), Redux Toolkit, Material UI, Web3Modal, Node.js, Express, Solidity, Hardhat, ethers.js
Instruction for Frontend ------- RUN COMMAND
npm run start
FRONTEND URL - http://localhost:3000
Instruction for Backend ------- SERVER RUN COMMAND
npm run start
Initiate Hardhat node
npx hardhat node
Deploy contracts
npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/deploy.js
BACKEND URL - http://localhost:3001