Norse Digital Content Model extension for eZ Publish 4.x


  • include 'extension/nd_contentmodel/config.php' in your ez publish config
  • define your models :)

What is it?

Adding possibility to define custom models for any eZ content objects.

Usage example

You have content class "my_city" with complex calculation of country.

class eZContentModelMyCity extends eZContentObject {

protected static $callbackAttributes = array(
    'country_name' => 'getCountryName'

protected function getCountryName()
    $countryName = 'Ukraine';
    // some code here
    return $countryName;


In template:

{def $city = fetch('content', 'node', hash('node_id', 150))} Country is {$city.country_name}

The same in php:

$node->country_name; // country name from object will be returned


PS: Let me know if you need the same for tree node