
Scan files or process memory for CobaltStrike beacons and parse their configuration

Primary LanguageC#


Scan files or process memory for Cobalt Strike beacons and parse their configuration.

CobaltStrikeScan scans Windows process memory for evidence of DLL injection (classic or reflective injection) and performs a YARA scan on the target process' memory for Cobalt Strike v3 and v4 beacon signatures.

Alternatively, CobaltStrikeScan can perform the same YARA scan on a file supplied by absolute or relative path as a command-line argument.

If a Cobalt Strike beacon is detected in the file or process, the beacon's configuration will be parsed and displayed to the console.


This project is inspired by the following research / articles:


  • 64-bit Windows OS
  • .NET Framework 4.6
  • Administrator or SeDebugPrivilege is required to scan process memory for injected threads


  -d, --dump-processes      Dump process memory to file when injected threads are detected

  -f, --scan-file           Scan a file/process dump for CobaltStrike beacons

  -i, --injected-threads    Scan running (64-bit) processes for injected threads (won't scan for CobaltStrike beacons)

  -p, --scan-processes      Scan running processes for injected threads and CobaltStrike beacons

  -v, --verbose             Write verbose output (display detailed information for injected threads)

  -h, --help                Display Help Message

  --help                    Display this help screen.

  --version                 Display version information.

