💼 Discover my 2023/24 ⚛️Reactive Portfolio⚛️, featuring projects from 2022 to today. Explore my work, access my resume, and connect with me using the contact form! Let's collaborate and create something amazing together.
- Abraham10VelGlez
- akbarsazishFront-End Developer
- alikhazaeiiiran , Tehran
- alizada11
- AndreaM2429Software developer
- bohazCo-founder & CEO at Pet Fashion
- Ch1lluGen
- ClaudiaRojasSotoSoftware Developer
- CRClothierFull Stack Developer
- DachronoSoftware Engineer, Back-End Developer
- eamador1Nicaragua
- Estete9Quito-Ecuador
- HFG43Full Stack Developer
- ITurres@netnet-llc
- joramotMicroverse
- MasumaJafferyMicroverse
- mrfiratatalay
- najibullahjafarikabul Afghanistan
- NitBravoA92Full-Stack Developer
- pawarayush
- RuthmyFull Stack Developer
- TasniemaEgypt , cairo