
Lab about binomial heaps

Primary LanguageJava

Lab: Binomial Heaps

Implement the isHeap() method in BinomialNode and BinomialHeap and the insert() and merge() methods in BinomialHeap.

The isHeap() method should verify that the tree rooted at the current instance of BinomialHeap satisfies the min heap property, that is, that the key of each parent is less or equal to the keys of its children.

class BinomialHeap<K extends Comparable<K>> {
    K key;
    int height;
    ListNode<BinomialHeap<K>> children;
    boolean isHeap();

The insert() method should put the tree n into the forest ns while maintaining two invariants: (1) the trees in the forest must be sorted by increasing heights, and (2) there should not be two trees with the same height. Hint: the link() method takes two trees of the same height and combines them into a new tree with one greater height.

public class BinomialQueue<K extends Comparable<K>> {
    ListNode<BinomialHeap<K>> forest;
    static <K extends Comparable<K>> ListNode<BinomialHeap<K>>
    insert(BinomialHeap<K> n, ListNode<BinomialHeap<K>> ns);

The merge() method combines two forests into a single forest that satisfies the two invariants listed above.

ListNode<BinomialHeap<K>> merge(ListNode<BinomialHeap<K>> ns1,
                                ListNode<BinomialHeap<K>> ns2);