
N4biasFieldCorrection should be accessible for user (be in PATH)

python 3.7+

To install all requirenments

pip install -r requirenments.txt

Further step is to install library into the virtual environment

Cmake 3.10+ needs to be accessible for user

pip install "project-dir/"


All data should be placed in folders like

rootdir/"prefix""subject_id"/* And mri files which need to be segmented should be named mri.nii.gz

To segment all subjects you need to run

sh "rootdir" "prefix"

To select different thresholding (CV script) after segment_all was runned

python "folder_with combined.nii.gz()" "threshord from 0 to 1" "iterations of binary dilation-erosions"

Another possible option is to change it inside of the in segment_mouse part