Adapted ISO13790 hourly dynamic building energy simulator (DIBS) for single buildings and building stocks - Ready to use with ENOB:dataNWG interview and on-site inspection data for the simulation of German building stocks.
- c0nb4Berlin
- ChrisK2111
- christian-tr
- ckohrt
- cliedl@fuchs-eule
- ekatef
- hydromacPoland
- jannikobenhoff@predium
- julianbischofInstitute for Housing and Environment (IWU)
- kastnerpGeorgia Tech
- l-kotzurFounder minimum energy, Freelancer
- lateshiftGermany
- Lu-HHessen, Germany
- Ly0n@open-energy-transition @protontypes
- muehleisenArgonne National Laboratory
- nicocarboKarlsruhe, Germany
- pjayathissaWaitemata District Health Board
- qdrivenNowhere
- silingcSWN - TU Berlin
- simonsalehiBerlin, Germany
- Tokarzewski@DesignBuilderSoftware
- wailsamjouni
- yiyuan1840kW Engineering