
Vuepress-theme-hope Web site

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Vuepress-theme-hope Web site

home page here


1. Github Action Workflows

问题描述: Install pnpm 阶段出现以下错误

Error: No pnpm version is specified.
Please specify it by one of the following ways:
  - in the GitHub Action config with the key "version"
  - in the package.json with the key "packageManager" (See https://nodejs.org/api/corepack.html)


  • 推荐的第一条解决办法(GitHub Action...)不知道怎么改
  • 按照第二条建议, 修改项目文件package.json, 增加"packageManager": "pnpm@8.6.9",

2. GitHub Action Workflows

问题描述: Build Docs 阶段出现以下错误

RollupError: "useModel" is not exported by "node_modules/.pnpm/vue@3.2.47/node_modules/vue/dist/vue.runtime.esm-bundler.js", imported by "node_modules/.pnpm/@vue+repl@2.5.5/node_modules/@vue/repl/dist/vue-repl.js".

解决办法: 确定使用最新版本与正确的依赖树

pnpm dlx vp-update
# 或: npx vp-update

3. 404

问题描述: 顺利通过 GitHub Action Workflows, 点击home page后返回 404


  • 进入GitHub仓库, 点击 setting, 找到 Pages
  • 找到 Branch, 选择分支 gh-pages(GitHub官方推荐该分支, main也行)