
Test project for a future project that will combine C++ and a database to simulate an rpg game.


Test project for a future project that simulate an rpg game.

There are two parts to this, the C++ code and database. The C++ code will perform calculations, access and edit information in the database, and have a GUI for the user. The goal of this is to have a working sample GUI that will based on inputs perform simple functions that would be in an ARPG game with the database holding raw infomration such as item information.

Examples of information to be stored in database...

Item: Sword Dmg: 1-2 Durability: 8 Rarity: Common Rarity -> Enchantment: None

I think for now my goal will be to have a button on a window to click that will generate different items based upon information pulled from the database. I don't think C++ is really the right language for this, but I want experience in it while getting my head around using databases and SQL outside of the classroom.