UFW Uncomplicated Firewall is based on IP and it's not based on DNS names. This script if runned periodically in CRON as ROOT provides this functionality. It's essencial with DynDns.

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DNS resolution for UFW

UFW Uncomplicated Firewall is based on IP and it's not based on DNS names. This script if runned periodically ( eg.: with CRON as ROOT ) provides this functionality.

!! BE AWARE !!

If you run this software automatically and periodically as ROOT with CRON you could be locked out your own machine! The script is NOT 100% bullet proof. You should not use this for ssh connections on remote servers. To protect sshd I suggest fail2ban with a remote connection to the fail2ban comunity.

You really need to know what this script does at every step.


  • clestar clear knowledge of what you are doing
  • root privileges
  • dig
  • ufw

How to satisfy some requirements

  • sudo apt update
  • sudo apt -y upgrade
  • sudo apt install dig ufw

Do not continue if you do not understand the following two lines. Go out, do something else.

  • consider 'ufw --dry-run'
  • sudo ufw allow to any port 22 proto tcp <-- BE AWARE possible vulnerability
  • sudo ufw enable <-- BE AWARE otherwise you are going to regret this. A lot.

Fast copy&paste to console ( except the dangerous part )

sudo apt update;sudo apt -y upgrade;sudo apt install dig ufw;


  • update your server backup
  • mkdir /tmp/dnsufw/
  • git clone https://github.com/IacopoOrtis/DNSUFW.git /tmp/dnsufw/
  • mkdir ~/dnsUfw/
  • cp /tmp/dnsUfw/dnsUfw.* ~/dnsUfw/
  • rm -r /tmp/dnsufw
  • chmod -R 500 ~/dnsufw
  • chown -R root:root ~/dnsufw

Fast copy&paste to console for the above part

mkdir /tmp/dnsufw/;git clone https://github.com/IacopoOrtis/DNSUFW.git /tmp/dnsufw/;mkdir ~/dnsUfw/;cp /tmp/dnsUfw/dnsUfw.\* ~/dnsUfw/;rm -r /tmp/dnsufw;chmod -R 500 ~/dnsufw;chown -R root:root ~/dnsufw;

  • as root:
    • sudo -s
    • you should know what you are doing
    • crontab -e
    • */5 * \* \* \* sh /path/to/dnsUfw.sh
    • save & exit
    • edit "dnsUfw.hosts" file
    • test it

Format of "dnsUfw.hosts"

  • proto:port:dnsName
  • eg.: 22:tcp:yourdns.no-ip.org
  • eg.: 80:tcp:yourdns.no-ip.org
  • eg.: 80:tcp:yourdns2.no-ip.org
parameter explanation example reference
protocol accepted protocol from ufw tcp, udp Read UFW documentation.
port number Port number to open to the specific dns name 22,80,81,8080,443
dns name the dynamic dns name to solve name.dyndns.org

Files default locations & explanation

File Default path Explanation
dnsUfw.sh ~/dnsUfw/dnsUfw.sh main script
dnsUfw.conf ~/dnsUfw/dnsUfw.conf configuration file
dnsUfw.hosts ~/dnsUfw/dnsUfw.hosts ufw rules ( you need to edit this )
dnsUfw.ips /var/tmp/dnsUfw.ips sript will use this to store dns resolution ips
dnsUfw.log /var/log/dnsUfw.log log file

Tested on

  • Debian
  • Ubuntu
  • Raspbian

Know issues

1) Temporary ( 5 min ) ufw IP deny:

1) Conditions

  • Multiple dns names with same port and protocol
  • At least two of the above mentioned set with the same IP

1) Event

When a dns name having the same IP, port and proto of others changes IP, depending on the configuration in 'dnsUfw.hosts' file the old ip get denied UNTIL next script run.

1) Temporary fix

Run script twice every time.

1) To know

It's not a big deal for me to lose connectivity for 5 min so it is not in my immediate todo list to fix this issue.