
Custom matchers for SEO

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Custom Jest Matchers to perform SEO tests.


.toHaveMetaTitle(expectedTitle?: String)

Check if the html elenent has the expected title. When no title is given it only checks the existence of a title meta tag.


  • expectedTitle: Optional String representing expected content of the title meta tag.


const $html = document.createElement('html');
$html.innerHTML = `
    <meta name="title" content="dummy_title">

expect($html).toHaveMetaTitle(''); // PASS
expect($html).toHaveMetaTitle('dummy_title'); // PASS
expect($html).toHaveMetaTitle('Different title'); // FAIL

.toHaveMetaDescription(expectedDescription?: String)

Check if the html elenent has the expected meta description. When no expected value is given it only checks the existence of the meta tag.


  • expectedDescription: Optional String representing expected content of the description meta tag.


const $html = document.createElement('html');
$html.innerHTML = `
    <meta name="description" content="expected content"/>

    <h1> This html has not a description</h1>

expect($html).toHaveMetaDescription(''); // PASS
expect($html).toHaveMetaDescription('expected content'); // PASS
expect($html).toHaveMetaDescription('unexpected content'); // FAIL

.toHaveHeading(expectedHeading: String, opts)

Checks the given element has the expected heading level. It also checks ARIA roles.


  • expectedHeading: The expected heading level: 'h1'|'h2'|'h3'|'h4'|'h5','h6'
  • opts.aria: Boolean value, when true, aria roles are considered for the expected heading.


Basic tests:

const const = document.createElement('h2');

expect(element).toHaveHeading('h1'); // FAIL
expect(element).toHaveHeading('h2'); // PASS

Enabling ARIA:

const element = document.createElement('div');
element.setAttribute('role', 'heading');
element.setAttribute('aria-level', '2');

expect(element).toHaveHeading('h2'); // FAIL
expect(element).toHaveHeading('h2', { aria: false }); // FAIL
expect(element).toHaveHeading('h2', { aria: true }); // PASS