
Repositório para o desafio de front-end do processo seletivo de 2/2019

GoLedger Challenge

In this challenge you will create a web interface to a blockchain application. In this application you must implement a marketplace registration interface.


  • Your application should be able to add/remove/edit and show all products, categories and sellers.

  • Use JavaScript Frameworks for development, such as Vue and React (all UI libraries are allowed)


  • Fork the repository https://github.com/goledgerdev/goledger-challenge-web

    • Fork it, do NOT clone it, since you will need to send us your forked repository
    • If you cannot fork it, create a private repository and give access to samuelvenzi, igor-paiva and vieiramanoel
  • Create an web application using a JS Framework. You will implement the basic operations provided by the API, which are Create, Update, Delete and Search.

  • Improve your application with a beautiful UI.


The data are obtained using a rest server at this address: http://ec2-54-173-117-139.compute-1.amazonaws.com/api/

Also, a Swagger with the endpoints specifications for the operations is provided at this address: http://ec2-54-173-117-139.compute-1.amazonaws.com/api-docs/

Complete the challenge

To complete the challenge, you must send us the link to your forked repository with the code of your application. Please, provide instructions to execute the code.