
Install Liferay, JBoss and ElasticSearch with Powershell

Primary LanguagePowerShell

Liferay Cluster in PorwerShell


1 - Open PowerShell ISE with administrator privileges

2 - Copy content of elasticsearch.ps1 to ISE

3 - See the sections:

  # Configure elasticsearch.yaml
  # Configure JVM

4 - Execute with F5

JBoss + Liferay

1 - Open PowerShell ISE with administrator privileges

2 - Copy content of liferay_jboss.ps1 to ISE

3 - Execute with F5

4 - See the files:

  standalone.conf.bat (JVM)
  standalone.xml (DataSource)
  com.liferay.portal.search.elasticsearch6.configuration.ElasticsearchConfiguration.config (ElasticSearch configurations for liferay)