
Zabbix integration with OTRS

Primary LanguagePerl

Zabbix + OTRS integration


Do not copy paste anything from the PDF, all the necessary scripts are here below!!!!

This document is intended to perform the integration of Zabbix with OTRS.


  1. Server with OTRS 5 installed (Already tested in version 6)

  2. Server with zabbix 3.2.7 or higher installed

  3. Be sure to use the Epel repository

     # yum install epel-release

The walkthrough is in the document zabbix-otrs-XX.pdf.


    # yum install python python-pip -y

    # pip install python-otrs
    # pip install zabbix-api

    # yum install cpan -y

    # scp /opt/otrs/bin/otrs.CheckModules.pl root@zabbix:/tmp/

    # perl -MCPAN -e otrs.CheckModules.pl

    # yum install "perl(Archive::Tar)" "perl(Archive::Zip)" "perl(Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt)" "perl(Crypt::SSLeay)" "perl(Date::Format)" "perl(DBD::Pg)" "perl(Encode::HanExtra)" "perl(IO::Socket::SSL)" "perl(JSON::XS)" "perl(Mail::IMAPClient)" "perl(IO::Socket::SSL)" "perl(ModPerl::Util)" "perl(Net::DNS)" "perl(Net::LDAP)" "perl(Template)" "perl(Template::Stash::XS)" "perl(Text::CSV_XS)" "perl(Time::Piece)" "perl(XML::LibXML)" "perl(XML::LibXSLT)" "perl(XML::Parser)" "perl(YAML::XS)" "perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)" "perl(Sys::Syslog)" -y

    # yum install perl-SOAP-Lite -y

    # cp /tmp/criar_chamado_zabbix.py /usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts/

    # cp /tmp/fechar_chamado_zabbix.pl /usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts/



    python criar_chamado_zabbix.py --otrs {IP_OTRS} --webservice ZabbixOTRS --user {USER} --pass {PASSWORD} --customer {COSTUMER} --title "Test of ticket" --desc "Description of ticket" --queue "{QUEUE}" --service "{SERVICE}" --sla "{SLA}"

Action on Zabbix for create

    /bin/python /usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts/criar_chamado_zabbix.py --otrs --webservice ZabbixOTRS --user otrs.isaac --pass pass.isaac --customer alexander --title "PROBLEM: {TRIGGER.SEVERITY} - {TRIGGER.NAME} - {TRIGGER.STATUS}" --desc "The host below is having problems.
    Name of host: {HOST.HOST}
    Name of item: {ITEM.NAME}
    Name of trigger: {TRIGGER.NAME}
    Status of trigger: {TRIGGER.STATUS}
    Severity of trigger: {TRIGGER.SEVERITY}
    Event date: {EVENT.DATE} {EVENT.TIME}
    Actual date: {DATE} {TIME}
    Trigger ID: {TRIGGER.ID}
    Event ID: {EVENT.ID}
    Total time of event: {EVENT.AGE}" --queue "Infra" --service "INFRASTRUCTURE::SERVER::LINUX" --sla "HIGH::2" --triggerid "{TRIGGER.ID}" --host "{HOST.NAME}" --status "Incident" --eventid "{EVENT.ID}"

Action on Zabbix for close

    perl /usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts/fechar_chamado_zabbix.pl -subject 'Standard Incident' -body 'The incident was standardized' -triggerid "{TRIGGER.ID}"

Telegram: @iakim