Backend Boilerplate Django

A backbone for your coding challenge.


  • Backend service - a Django service with a /ping endpoint.
  • E2E test suites - a backend and a frontend Cypress test suites. Extend with your tests.
  • Pipeline - a test Runner that executes the Cypress tests on push to a branch other than master/main.

Tech Stack


  • Django 3.1.5

Additional libs

  • sqlite3 (SQLite connection)
  • django-cors-headers (CORS support)


  • Cypress
  • GitHub Actions

Getting started

  1. Make sure python3 and pip3 are installed on your local env.

  2. Make sure npm & node are configured on your local env. You can download those distributions for your platform here

  3. Build your app.

npm install
npm run build # both Django backend
  1. Start your app.
npm install
npm run start # both Django backend
  1. Run the Cypress tests.
npm run test # run project tests under `cypress/integration`

Made by DevSkills.

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