Ethereum Block Explorer

Blockexplorers give us the ability to view lots of different information about the blockchain including data about:

  • the blockchain network itself
  • blocks in the blockchain
  • transactions in a block
  • accounts
  • and many other things

Etherscan is a good example of an Ethereum blockexplorer.

Getting Started

Clone this project to pull down some basic starter code.

After that cd into the base directory of the project and run npm install to download all the project dependencies. The AlchemySDK was used for this project

You can find lots of good docs on the AlchemySDK here:

Alright, without further ado, let's get started!

1. Create a unique Alchemy API key

Create a unique Alchemy API Mainnet key for your project as described here.

2. Add your API key to as an environment variable for the project

Create an empty .env file in the base directory of this project.

Add the following line to the .env file replacing YOUR_ALCHEMY_API_KEY with your api key.


Do not remove the REACT_APP_ prefix. React uses that to import env variables.

3. Start the webserver

npm start

Running the command above will run the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.